In the second week of May, the HBO Max release list did not bring any interesting news. In addition to the weekly episodes of the well-known series Succession, Bring Back Alice, Para – We Are King e love and death — a true crime series with Elizabeth Olsen — no other title drew attention.

In order not to go unnoticed, it is worth mentioning that the animations Batman: The Animated Series e Superman: The Animated Series have a chance to please comic book fans. Launched in the 1990s, they bring superheroes fighting crimes and facing different challenges.

For those who enjoy other types of animation, the tip is to watch the Fired on Mars, a series that tells the story of a graphic designer who, in addition to missing his girlfriend Hannah, who stayed on Earth, still has to deal with the sudden dismissal of his job. All this on Mars, our neighboring planet.

Other titles that can please HBO Max subscribers are the thriller Cross-fire and science fiction Substitutes, whose story follows Faye, a woman who, after the death of her husband, decides to transfer her lover’s consciousness into an android. As it turns out, things don’t go as expected and she finds herself in an unexpected chase. With a lot of suspense and a good dose of action, the film promises to leave the viewer biting nails.

Remembering that these are just some of the highlights of the list of HBO Max releases for the week. See the full link below.

All HBO Max Releases for the Week







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