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He tortured dogs and horses: That’s what Prince Andrew was like as a child

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From: Susanne Kroeber


Even as a child, King Charles’ younger brother Andrew shocked with his behavior before his involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein abuse scandal finally made him persona non grata.

London – Prince Andrew (63) followed King Charles III (74) and Princess Anne (72) as the third child of Queen Elizabeth (96, † 2022) and Prince Philip (99, † 2021) to the world. Andrew was considered a favorite of the Queen, but she stuck to the traditional approach of having most of her offspring raised by nannies. However, Prince Andrew saw his mother far more often than his older siblings.

‘He was so terrible’: Nanny opens up about young Prince Andrew

In his book Gilded Youth: An Intimate History of Growing Up In The Royal Family” author Tom Quinn sheds light on how the British royal family has held on from generation to generation to long-outdated traditions that only seem to have been broken by the Queen’s granddaughters and grandsons. This is how today’s King Charles III. only briefly brought to his parents in the morning and evening, hugs and kisses were considered “a bit embarrassing” according to Quinn.

His parents Prince Philip (2nd from left) and Queen Elizabeth adored him, but Prince Andrew scared the staff as a child. (montage) © IMAGO/CoverSpot/ZUMA/i Images

Queen Elizabeth II wanted to change her behavior with Prince Andrew. Although she wasn’t interested in changing his diapers and feeding him either, she had his nanny bring Andrew into her study and play on the floor there, as Tom Quinn reports in his book, Das The Sun already exists. “But she never brought herself to sit on the floor with him.” According to Quinn, Prince Andrew felt superior to his siblings from an early age, “partly that was no doubt just innate, but maybe it was the extra attention he received from his mother.”

It’s very difficult to be fair to him because he was so terrible. He treated the staff like they were dirt

Outbreaks of violence and animal cruelty: Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip ignored Andrew’s behavior

In Gilded Youth, a former maid who worked at Buckingham Palace when Prince Andrew was a boy breaks her silence. “Imagine a little boy walking up to a middle-aged man who has worked for the Queen for decades and saying, ‘Bring me that horse,’ and referring to a toy across the room, and he poor man had to fetch it,” the employee recalls.

The young Prince Andrew apparently also tended to break out in violence. “He went into screaming fits when he didn’t get his way,” the maid recalls. “He tormented the corgis mercilessly, smashed things when he couldn’t get his way, and often tried to hit his nanny.” And although Queen Elizabeth II loved her corgis so much, she let Andrew get away with this behavior, as Gilded Youth claims. “Everyone said Andrew got away with almost any kind of bad behavior because both his mother and father adored him.”

Headwind for Prince Andrew: Employees threw him on the dung heap

Another episode that is described in Tom Quinn’s book makes it clear that Prince Philip also liked to turn a blind eye to his second son.

The odd thing was that Philip adored him and condoned behavior that would have made him roar if it had been Charles or even Anne. I remember once Andrew threw a valuable toy out the window and Philip just laughed.

Once Prince Andrew got the tit-for-tat for his behavior. At the age of five, a bored Andrew would sneak into the stables at Windsor Castle and start teasing the stable boys, according to Tom Quinn in Gilded Youth. “He even went so far as to hit the horses’ legs with a stick.” After the staff repeatedly told him to stop, “they threw him in a dung heap and shoveled horse manure on him.”

The Queen only responded to the incident with a “serves you right”, Prince Andrew was angry that the stable staff was not punished. At the latest since the Queen’s death, a different wind is blowing for Andrew anyway. The disgraced prince, who has not been an official royal representative since 2020, is also said to be present at the coronation of King Charles III. does not matter, as for his nephew Prince Harry (38) and his wife Meghan Markle (41), Prince Andrew is banned from the balcony. Sources used:

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