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Health: Coffee consumption can trigger panic attacks and anxiety

Coffee wakes you up, but its caffeine can also lead to unwanted side effects in healthy people. You should note that.

Without the most popular hot drink in Germany, probably not much would work in this country. According to a study by the German Coffee Association, people in Germany drink almost four cups on average coffee a day. Studies show that coffee reduces the risk of stroke or Parkinson’s disease. That coffee and caffeine may also be too anxiety or panic attacks less well known.

But people with certain characteristics react more quickly to coffee consumption with states of restlessness, tachycardia, sweating and difficulty falling asleep. How does that fit with the many positive effects?

Caffeine: risk for adults with existing panic disorders as well as with a healthy psyche

First of all, coffee has a positive effect on us nervous system: It increases concentration and can even stimulate the release of feel-good hormones such as dopamine. Blood pressure and heart rate are increased after a cup of coffee and motor skills are improved. But like everyone drugs coffee can also have negative consequences if consumed in excess. These include symptoms such as anxiety and panic attacks.

Whether the caffeine consumption anxiety states up to one panic attack does not necessarily have to do with an existing anxiety or panic disorder. Rather, it is a genetic trait, specifically a variant of the gene of adenosine A2A receptor, which decides whether negative effects occur. However, people with a history of panic attacks are more likely to have mental health problems.

One meta-analysis Various studies on caffeine consumption found that five cups of coffee (480 mg of caffeine) per day significantly increased the likelihood of a panic attack. Little is known about the effects of lower doses. Psychiatrists should at least educate people with anxiety disorders or panic attacks about the risks of coffee consumption. Read about this: Drinking coffee on an empty stomach: Why it can be unhealthy

Addiction to coffee: Withdrawal symptoms can result in depressive-like symptoms

Although the susceptibility that is partly genetic, people with mental health problems are particularly at risk. In addition, if a caffeine addiction has developed and the coffee is left out for a long time, severe ones can also occur withdrawal symptoms appear. People who try to leave a strong caffeine addiction behind complain about headaches, anxiety and even depressive phases.

The European Food Safety Authority considers the daily caffeine consumption of an adult to be up to 200 mg for harmless. For comparison: A filter coffee (200 ml) contains 90 mg of caffeine, an espresso (60 ml) only 80 mg of caffeine.

Caffeine and Depression: Anxiolytic or Harmful?

So while caffeine in coffee can lead to anxiety disorders or panic attacks in some people, various studies also attest to it positive effects. Two to four cups of coffee a day should reduce the risk of developing depression. The right dose can only be determined individually. At the same time, coffee is said to be able to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.

And also in the wildlife caffeine has amazing effects. In one experiment, rats were subjected to repeated stress, which was reduced by consuming caffeine. Prolonged intake of caffeine had an anxiolytic, antidepressant effect. For humans, however, the following applies: Anyone who has anxiety disorders and panic attacks should reduce their coffee consumption as much as possible. (os)

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