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Health: Only black coffee: Why you should avoid milk

Coffee can be very healthy and stimulating. However, it should be drunk without milk, otherwise important effects will be lost.

Whether cappuccino, espresso or americano – Coffee is part of the daily routine for many people. Coffee is one of the most popular hot drinks in Germany. With an average of 450 cups a year, Germans are in eighth place among the countries with the highest coffee consumption in Europe. Luxembourg is in first place with 925 cups per year, how aus “Statista” information emerges.

For a long time it was disputed whether regular consumption is harmful to health. But it is now clear that the popular drink even important nutrient contains.

Studies show the positive health effects of coffee. However, only if it is drunk black. As soon as a dash of milk is added to the coffee, the positive characteristics already halved. This explains the doctor, bestselling author and nutrition expert dr Michael Greger.

Coffee: More than 200 studies prove the health-promoting effect

It is now clear from several studies that three to four cups of . British researchers who evaluated more than 200 studies came to this conclusion. Among the positive aspects is that coffee reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke and liver cancer. It could also increase the risk of Parkinson’s diabetesreduce Alzheimer’s and depression.

However, consumption is not healthy for everyone. Above all pregnant women should refrain from excessive consumption. Coffee can have health consequences for the unborn child. These include low birth weight, premature births or even miscarriage. Breastfeeding women and the sick should also be careful when consuming it.

Coffee: Milk proteins reduce the healthy effect

It has been researched several times that coffee is healthy, but only under one circumstance: it must be drunk black. The addition of milk can negate the positive results of coffee. The American has why exactly nutrition expert and physician Greger examined.

It was already known from several studies that milk has the artery-protecting function of black tea cancels. The same should also apply to animal milk in coffee. Milk proteins bind the so-called phytonutrients and thus block their absorption by the body. the nutrient are important for the body because they protect our cells. In addition to coffee, they can also be found in other plant-based foods such as tea, berries or dark chocolate.

Cow’s milk blocks important nutrients

This so-called antioxidative effect is also blocked in other plant-based foods, such as in dark chocolate. The dark chocolate contains the important phytonutrients. If you take at least 70 percent cocoa chocolate, a positive effect on the antioxidant levels in the blood can be seen after about an hour.

However, when dark chocolate is taken with a glass of milk, the antioxidant effect is reduced by about half. Then the effect is almost at the level of milk chocolate (20 percent cocoa), as Greger explains.

Exactly the same applies to coffee. The more milk is added, the lower the antioxidant effect in the blood. Even small amounts of milk can significantly reduce the effect.

Plant-based milk alternatives are harmless

With soy milk, on the other hand, there should be no change in the effect. This was examined in a study, which was released in 2015. Analysis of urine samples showed that the phytonutrients continue to be bound. A coffee with soy milk should therefore continue to cause its health effects.

that other milk alternatives have the same effect as soy milk, Dr. Greger for probably. Oat, rice, and almond milks are low in protein, which could block nutrients. However, this was not investigated.

For healthy effects: note the degree of roasting of the coffee

Another aspect to consider with coffee is the degree of roasting. Because of him depends how many of the health-promoting Phytonutrients are found in coffee. The higher the degree of roasting, the more nutrients are contained.

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