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Heat pumps in old buildings: Your house must fulfill this checklist

The heat pump can also be an alternative to gas or oil heating in old buildings. When does the solution make sense? Learn more here.

  • If you want to buy a heat pump, you have to create the necessary conditions
  • But what about old buildings? Can a heat pump be installed here?
  • Our checklist shows which conditions you have to meet

During the energy crisis of 2022, the prices for many products rose massively. Fuels such as heating oil and gas were more expensive than ever in spring 2022 – the energy market has since calmed down somewhat. Even more – the gas price has leveled off at the pre-war level and the heating oil prices are also falling and are locally below the 1 euro mark per liter. But they hardly relax energy prices, the next hammer for consumers is coming. This time by Economics Minister Robert Habeck.

Heat pumps are also an alternative to gas or oil in old buildings: experts speak plainly

Specifically, Habeck is planning a new law – it also envisages a ban on gas and oil heating for consumers until 2045. In other words: affected consumers have to switch to an alternative to gas or oil heating – this means enormous costs for the citizens. This is one of the reasons why associations and the opposition are sounding the alarm. Nevertheless he can exchange an old gas or oil heating system can be a sensible one in some cases. Older heaters in particular – such as those with constant temperature boilers – are technically outdated and often no longer economical.

In such cases, replacing the old heating system with modern heating technology can be worthwhile. The heat pump enjoys great popularity in Germany – as does pellet heating. Both are an option in both old and new buildings. Contrary to public perception, a heat pump is also an alternative to heating oil or gas in old buildings. The often mentioned poor insulation of a building does not have to be an exclusion criterion, summarized Sven Kersten from the Federal Association heat pump (BWP) in conversation with our editors.

Heat pumps in old buildings: function and energy sources – what consumers should pay attention to

On the contrary: With a heat pump in an old building, a YouTuber saves over 1,800 euros per year. We took a closer look at his solution in the linked article. Because even if the heat pump can be an alternative in older buildings – there are a few things to keep in mind. Otherwise, despite the state subsidies for a new heat pump in operation, it can become expensive. In the following we have put together a lot of important information on the subject of heat pumps in old buildings for you.

designation of the grant Percent grant

Basic subsidy (“basic subsidy”)


Heating exchange bonus


Heat pump bonus


Sum of all government grants


heat pumps heat water and heaters by extracting the required energy from the earth or from the air. The systems are operated with electricity – this increasingly comes from renewable sources such as wind or sun. The heat pumps can generate up to three or more kilowatt hours (kWh) of heat from one kilowatt hour of electricity. “Common heat pumps deliver the best results when they work with a flow temperature between 35 and 55 degrees,” says Katja Weinhold from the German Heat Pump Association.

Heat pumps in old buildings: a simple test provides clarity – whether it is worth installing or not

These are important figures for all owners who want their houses to be more modern, economical and ecological heating technology want to equip. Because new buildings often offer better conditions for the use of heat pumps. For them, 35 to 40 degrees is usually sufficient – because they are better insulated and have energy-saving underfloor heating. Instead, many older buildings have a higher heat requirement – ​​which is why the optimal heat pump temperature may be too low for them.

A simple test can provide an initial assessment of whether it is possible to install a heat pump in an older home. On cold winter days with frost you should set the flow temperature of the heating system in the basement to 55 degrees or even lower, turn up the thermostats of your heating and observe whether the comfortable temperature can be reached. The flow temperature in the basement, the number of degrees that sufficiently heats the rooms in the house required for living.

Heat pump and flow temperature: when installation can also be worthwhile in old buildings

As a rule of thumb, you can remember: If 55 degrees is enough, the installation of a heat pump can also bring good results in the old building. However, if this flow temperature is not sufficient, additional measures are necessary in order to be able to replace the heating system with a heat pump. But even in these cases, the older Building prepare with sometimes quite simple means so that the heating exchange with heat pump becomes profitable. These upgrades don’t have to be expensive either.

First of all, the so-called is decisive hydraulic balancing the heating system. The radiators in the apartments are matched to the entire heating system. Perhaps individual radiators are too small and can be replaced. Replacing old thermostats can also lower the required flow temperature. It may even be possible to switch to surface heating in individual rooms. Because the larger the heat distribution surfaces, the more efficiently the heat pump works.

Upgrading old buildings for heat pumps: Improve efficiently with these measures

However, larger renovation projects can also be considered. The heat requirement of a building depends crucially on its outer shell. New windows with triple glazing, tight front doors, the insulation of the upper building ceiling and the outer walls can power consumption significantly lower. With such improvements, the heat requirement decreases – and a heat pump becomes more realistic and economical. Another variant can be the combination of the previous heating system and a new heat pump.

They then share the work. The heat pump would be responsible for the majority of mostly mild days when high heating temperatures are not required. If, on the other hand, it gets cold, the gas or oil boiler also starts up. There is even a government subsidy for a hybrid heating system consisting of a heat pump and gas or oil heating – but only for the regenerative part. In addition, the “heating exchange bonus” for gas or oil heating is no longer available – so the option is only worthwhile for existing ones Gas or oil heating.

Heating basic funding Heating exchange bonus Heat pump bonus promotion total

heat pump




40 percent

pellet heating



20 percent

Heat pumps in old buildings: don’t just pay attention to efficiency – when noise is a problem

In order to install geothermal heat pumps, you need a certain amount of space on the property. After all, pipelines get the energy from deep underground. Air source heat pumps, on the other hand, can be set up on a house wall at ground level – they extract the heat from the ambient air. Caution: The devices make noise. What sounds harmless at first can become a problem during operation heat pump become a problem – at least as far as neighborhood peace is concerned.

Therefore, one should consider: “Even if the legal requirements are complied with, the noise can be perceived as a nuisance and, in the worst case, lead to complaints from the neighbourhood,” summarizes author Eva Kafke in her book entitled “Energetic renovation in the community of owners”. , which is published by Stiftung Warentest In any case, it makes sense to professionals advice – for example an energy consultant.

Buying a heat pump: Help for consumers – good addresses for questions or advice

Here are the Energy efficiency expert list from the federal government a good overview. The services of these energy consultants are subsidized by the Federal Office of Economics (BAFA). Also Skilled trades companies are good addresses and can help with questions. Basically, you should always get several expert opinions. Especially since the costs for a heat pump should not be underestimated despite the subsidy. The classic air heat pump starts at around 15,000 euros and upwards.

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