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Her breast implant ruptured while “diving” – Vanessa Mariposa in the clinic

The reality star injured himself badly at the beginning of February while training for the “RTL high diving” and was then no longer able to get on the springboard on the TV show. The reason: a crack in the breast implant!

Now there’s a breast update from Vanessa Mariposa (30): “I’m getting my breast implant replaced.”

On Instagram the beautiful Austrian reported on Tuesday morning from a clinic in Istanbul. And lets her fans know: “Today I’m going to the operating table”.

There was a breast update for the fans on Instagram. Vanessa got in touch from Turkey

Photo: vanessa_mariposa/Instagram

She gets her “implant replaced” because “unfortunately it broke while training for high diving,” says Vanessa.

When she informs her fans about the forthcoming surgery, she can’t hide the fact that she’s pretty pissed off. “I have to say I’m super excited,” reveals the 30-year-old. “Because I’ve never had an operation abroad.”

As the diving accident had happened, Vanessa explained to BILD how she realized at the time that something was wrong with her implants.

“I jumped and jumped and at some point I realized that my chest was really hurting. I felt like I could hardly breathe,” she recalled. A doctor confirmed to her that an implant had ruptured. And Vanessa hoped for a quick surgery appointment, “because I have to change the implants”.

The breast surgery is now being done in Turkey. In the surgical scrubs, Vanessa briefly contacted her fans again in her Instagram story and promised: “I’ll answer all your questions the days I’m feeling better.”

Vanessa says hello in a surgical gown…

Photo: vanessa_mariposa/Instagram

… and shows a few preparations for her breast surgery. With so many hoses, she gets a bit jittery too

Photo: vanessa_mariposa/Instagram

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