il est bizarre michel sardou livre son sentiment sur le president emmanuel macron.jpg

As much as for his songs, Michel Sardou is known for his outspokenness and his rants. He once again provides proof of this in Paris Matchpublished Thursday October 5, 2023, where he gives his unfiltered opinion on President Emmanuel Macron.

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Only fools don’t change their minds! After saying goodbye to the stage in 2018, Michel Sardou finally chose to go back on the road for a new tour. At 76, the singer let himself be convinced by his wife, Anne-Marie Périer, the sister of photographer Jean-Marie Périer. “What people want is for you to come back to music“, she told him. A simple sentence which was enough to restart the machine. “And there you have it, back to the big business of touring in huge venueslaughs Michel Sardou in an interview published in the magazine Paris Match Thursday October 5, 2023. We pulled out all the stops: 90 technicians, 22 musicians, more sound, more lighting, extraordinary special effects, madness!

Michel Sardou, as famous for his songs as for his rants

Back on stage therefore, Michel Sardou is also in the media where, throughout the interviews, he shows that he has lost none of his frank speaking. Whether it is explaining why he only participated in one Enfoirés concert or giving his opinion on the young environmental activist Greta Thunberg, the son of Fernand and Jackie Sardou does not always have his tongue in his pocket. He proved it once again on September 28, 2023 in Laurent Ruquier’s show on BFMTV by launching a thunderous: “I hate this century, I hate everything!“In the interview he gave to Paris Match, Michel Sardou once again graces us with a few rants of which he has the secret. He pell-mell castigates the radio stations which “playing less and less music“, those who accuse him of misogyny, or even the young people who, according to him are “become illiterate” And “do not work, whether at school or elsewhere“.

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Michel Sardou finds Emmanuel Macron “bizarre”

Asked about his relationship with politics, Michel Sardou confides that he is no longer too interested in it. “What I see doesn’t excite me. The political staff has declined significantly. It is of very poor quality“, he notes. However, he does not reject everything outright. So, when asked whether he would go to a one-on-one lunch with Emmanuel Macron if he were invited, his answer is unambiguous: “Oh sure. I’m not very Macronist, but I have respect for the function and the person“. However, he cannot help but make a very personal little remark of which he has the secret, adding: “He’s weird, elusive“. The main interested party will appreciate…

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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