Historic victory for Starmer's Labour Party in the United Kingdom;  Sunak resigns as leader of the Conservatives

The predictions came true. The Labour Party has achieved a historic victory in the UK elections and Keir Starmer will become the new Prime Minister of the British people for the next five years. The Conservative Party has sunk as expected and Rishi Sunak, who has already acknowledged his defeat, will present his resignation in the next few hours and inform King Charles III. 14 years of mandates are coming to an end. tories at number 10 Downing Street. Change beginsreads Starmer’s lectern at his first appearance after winning the election. Change has begun.

With the counting about to end, the Labour victory is overwhelming, with a comfortable absolute majority. At 11am Spanish peninsular time, with 3 seats to be assigned, Starmer’s party wins 412 seats in Parliament. Behind, there are the conservativescon 120 representatives, and in third place the Liberal Democratic Party (71). Behind them are the Scottish National Party (SNP), with 9 deputies, Sinn Finn (7), the Unionists (DUP), with 5, the far right of Reform UK, of its controversial leader Nigel Farage, with 4, the Greens (4) and minor parties that together add up to 15.

The paradox of the British electoral system

However, it must be pointed out that, although the victory in seats is overwhelming, It is not so much in terms of voting percentage. The Labour Party has won the election, but it is with the 33.8% of votes. Behind them are the Conservatives with 23.7% of the votes, the far-right Reform UK (14.3%) and the Liberal Democratic Party (12.2%).

Labour is rewarded by the British electoral systemcalled first-past-the-post. This means that the candidate who receives the most votes in his or her constituency becomes a parliamentarian. That is, The important thing is to win in each individual constituency. Labour has been rewarded for this way of allocating representatives, winning in more than 400 constituencies.

The loser in this case is Reform UK, the far-right partyDespite being the third most voted party at national level, it only wins 4 seats in the House of Commons. The paradox is that the Liberal Democratic Party, with 2 percentage points less votes at national level, wins 71 seats.

Starmer has 5 big goals

What is clear is that Keir Starmer will have a comfortable majority in Parliament to carry out his reforms. There are five priority objectives, which were even described as urgent during the campaign.

  1. Return the country to the path of economic growth.
  2. Reforming the National Health Servicewhich has waiting lists of around eight million people.
  3. Introduce improvements in the Police and the penal system, to increase security on the streets.
  4. Achieve a energy verde ms cockroach for citizens through a new public company, Great British Energy.
  5. General improvement of the life opportunities for all citizens.

Two great challenges

However, there will be two main challenges for Starmer as the new Prime Minister. On the one hand, although the possibility of reopening the Brexit debate seems to have been put on hold, starting a new relationship with Europe that leads to improved trade relations.

But on the other hand, the new British leader will have to dealing with the surge of illegal immigrants arriving on UK shoresDuring his campaign, Starmer promised to scrap plans for deportations to Rwanda given their ineffectiveness and proposed a new Joint Border Control Command, putting the focus on the mafias that transport immigrants and not on these citizens seeking a better life far from their countries of origin.

Governing for the most vulnerable

Improving people’s lives is one of Starmer’s obsessionsespecially from the most disadvantaged groups. This was made clear in his first statement after his electoral victory. We have the opportunity to make work worthwhile because we have changed parties. We have the opportunity to help workers, young people and vulnerable people, the poorest in our society because we changed partiesha sealado.

Starmer has been keen to emphasise the opportunity that lies ahead after 14 years of the Conservative Party in power. This morning we will see that the British people have voted to turn the page after 14 years, but let us not pretend that there was something inevitable about it. There is nothing preordained in politics. Electoral victories do not fall from the sky, they are earned through effort and struggle. This could only be won by a changed Labour Party, he added.

Starmer has asked for patience, because he does not foresee an easy path. Changing a country is not like flipping a switch, but rather it is hard, patient and determined work. We said we would end the chaos, and we will. We said we would turn the page, and we have. Today we begin the next chapter. We will begin the work of change, the mission of national renewal, and begin to rebuild our country. Thank you all, it is over. The Starmer era in Downing Street begins.

Rishi Sunak to resign as Conservative leader


Outgoing British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, flanked by his wife Akshata Murty, delivers a speech at Number 10 Downing Street, following the results of the elections, in London, Britain, July 5, 2024. REUTERS/Phil NoblePhil NobleREUTERS

First consequence for the Conservative Party following the election debacle. Rishi Sunak announced at midday on Friday that he will resign as party leader when a replacement is found. I’m sorry, I’ve given it my all, but I’ve received a message. The Government must change. I’m sorry for not having complied, said the former British Prime Minister at the gates of Downing Street.

After his brief statement outside the Prime Minister’s official residence, Sunak is now heading to Buckingham Palace to announce his departure as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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