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History of a media feud: what happened to Kanye West and Taylor Swift at the MTV EMAs?

It all started in 2009, at the gala of theMTV Awards. That afternoon, a newcomer Taylor Swiftat only 20 years old, collected the award for Best Female Video of the Year by You Belong With Me. Excited and happy, the singer received her award from Shakira and actor Taylor Lautner and, while she thanked the rapper and music producer for her recognition Kaney West burst onto the stage from the first row.

“I’m very happy for you, I’ll let you finish but… Beyoncé has one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!” Kim Kardashian’s ex-husband shouted before everyone’s astonished gaze. the attendees, the perplexity of Swift with tears in her eyes and the shocked face of Beyoncé, who was competing in the same category for the video of Single Ladies.

Just a few minutes later, Queen B received the gala’s most important award, the Best Video of the Year, and tried to calm her partner’s spirits by giving her the turn to speak: “I remember when I was 17, I went up to collect my first MTV award with Destiny’s Child and it was one of the most exciting moments.”

What happened at the gala immediately became a topic of conversation around the world and has gone down in the history of these awards and music. Years later, Van Toffler, one of the television bosses who broadcast the gala, revealed that that night Wets not only made Taylor and her mother crybut he himself was able to verify how Beyoncé couldn’t hold back her tears in the dressing room because of what happened.

Also, ten years later, Taylor Lautner opened up about what happened at that time. The protagonist of Twilightwho at that time was in a romantic relationship with Taylor Swift, acknowledged that He felt bad for not having defended his girlfriend. of the rapper.

“I didn’t know that the Kanye thing wasn’t a parody. I had taken five steps back. I could barely hear them. I couldn’t see them. I just assumed it was all a practiced and rehearsed parody. Because why else would Kanye West be jumping on stage and interrupting Taylor Swift? It just didn’t make sense,” the actor explained about how he experienced the moment.

Shakira also spoke about such an embarrassing situation. “I was just clapping, I was a little distracted when I saw Kanye come on stage and I thought ‘oh, he’ll say something nice’, but I wasn’t paying much attention. I kept clapping until I noticed the faces in the audience and I thought ‘oh my God, maybe this guy is saying something that’s not right’, so I started listening and I couldn’t believe I heard it. She was very bad and we all felt that way,” said the Colombian.

And more than a decade later, the protagonist spoke on an American television program about what happened that day: “Right now, God is giving me the information and has not told me otherwise. That means he wants me to say this now. If he hadn’t wanted me to run up on stage and say Beyoncé had the best video, they wouldn’t have sat me in the front row. He would have been at the back of the room, they would have given him the first prize (Beyoncé) and they wouldn’t have made a fool of themselves. I had never heard of that person before (Taylor Swift) and Single Ladies It’s one of the best music videos of all time.” In short: God was responsible for the embarrassing act (not to mention that maybe he had also had too much to drink).

Public enemy number one

Although Swift has earned numerous enemies over the years – Karlie Kloss, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry… – she undoubtedly Kanye West has been his public enemy number one.

It is true that there were several attempts at rapprochement between them, they posed together at a Grammy gala, they went out to dinner on occasion, they posed for photographers, there was talk of some musical collaboration and there were bouquets of flowers to apologize. Until everything exploded again, this time with more fury.

In June 2016, the rapper and husband of Kim Kardashian released the song famous. In that famous song, West sings, in clear allusion to the singer of Shake It Off: “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? “I made that bitch famous” (I think Taylor and I could have sex someday. Because? I made that bitch famous). The pop star also appeared in the video for that song, lying on the singer’s bed naked next to Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian.

Swift’s anger was monumental and then West justified these verses by stating that he had spoken to her to tell her and that it had seemed good to her, something she denied from the beginning.

The war between the two singers worsened and a new face joined the fight: Kim Kardashian, West’s wife, who even called Taylor a snake for denying it. The influencer He also leaked the video of that conversation that ended up turning against each other: West and Swift talked, what he didn’t tell her was that he was going to call her a ‘bitch’ and that he believed she became famous because of him.

Taylor’s Revenge

Throughout her career, Taylor Swift has shown on numerous occasions that she does not mince words when it comes to taking public revenge: she has done it with her boyfriends and with her enemies. In the case of Kanye West she was no different.

The first materialization was her speech when she received the Grammy for Best Album of the Year in February 2017: “I want to say to all young women: there will be people along the way who will try to belittle your success or take credit for your achievements or your fame.” . But if you focus on the work and don’t let those people confuse you, one day you will reach your destination, you will look around you and know that it was you and the people who love you that put you up here, and it will be the best feeling. of the world”.

No explanations were neededhis words were a direct dart to the rapper and not just words of encouragement and hope for the women of her generation.

A year later, revenge became a song: Look what you made me do. “Honey, I rose from the dead, I do it all the time / I got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined / I check it once, then I check it twice, oh! / Ooh, look what you made me do”, are some of the messages he sends to him.

The video clip is a series of messages to many other enemies, but especially the West Kardashian couple. In addition to appearing in a bathtub full of jewels and diamonds, in direct reference to Kim, the snakes, which filled the timeline on Kim’s social media for weeks when her husband released famousare in clear allusion to the influencer.

After the divorce of the singer and the leader of the Kardashians, some statements from her in December 2021 confessing that she is a fan of the Texan, of whom she said that He liked many of their songs and that they were “cute and catchy” songs., were interpreted as an attempt at rapprochement and making peace between them. Something that hasn’t happened yet…

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