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Home and ecological remedies to get rid of slugs and snails completely

Surely it happened to you or it happens to you that not only your garden is full of slugs and snailsbut also you vegetable garden. It is very normal for these types of mollusks to appear and become a voracious pest. Read below because we are going to leave you different tricks so you can eliminate them.

You can remove this pest from your home.

When humid conditions and average temperatures exist, slugs and snails they show up right away because they like that climate, which is why you’ll see them more often in the fall and spring. In the very cold or very hot season, these will be hidden. However, to take shelter you will see that they go to look for dark, cool and humid places, they feed during the night and choose the new shoots, although they also attack the roots.


Use drip irrigation

At slugs and snails they love moisture and if you use this method of drip irrigation, the floors they will not have moisture. Therefore, these mollusks will go elsewhere.

Slug and snail predators

You can count on the help of lizards, toads, frogs, snakes, turtles, hedgehogs, ducks, chickens and even birds.

Plants that repel them

slugs and snails they avoid the floors such as rosemary, lavender, mustard, sage, nasturtium, begonia and geraniums.

Apply these home remedies and you will see the results.

Traps for slugs and snails

You can put stones, branches, bowls and other similar objects where they can hide during the day and you will be able to locate them more easily.

Keep an eye on the shady and humid places in your orchard and garden

Since they choose these types of places, especially to lay their eggs, you should go there and be attentive. I kept all these places under observation in the times with the greatest activity of the mollusks.

Beer in containers.

use beer

At night, put some semi-buried containers in the ground with beer and in the morning you will find several snails inside. They are fans of beer and this is one of the best home remedies to eliminate them.


Another ecological way to combat the pests of these mollusks is to spray the soap obtained from the washed nuts on the crops.


Prepare a mixture of 4 garlic cloves with a liter of boiling water. Leave it for at least 12 hours, strain and dilute with 1 liter of water, then spray on the affected crops.

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