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Home remedies to eliminate mosquitoes in our home

Summer arrives and with it, the mosquitoes they are a real nuisance and a health threat. With the idea of ​​eliminating them, there are several options: on the one hand, prevention with adequate home hygiene.

One of the most traditional ways of eradicating mosquitoes it is through the use of chemicals. These substances to eliminate these insects are used in the form of a spray and are sold in stores.

Although there are chemical products, natural ones are recommended.

But you can also resort to other resources such as traps designed to attract and kill the mosquitoes. Most of them have a light inside that is what attracts the bugs and a device that kills them.

On the other hand, you can also resort to natural products to eradicate these stilt walkers. Plants are the best to scare them off and also mint, garlic, dill and citronella oils that are sprayed in specific places.

They usually attack at night.

There are some types of oil such as lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree, geranium, rosemary, basil, cloves, cinnamon, bergamot, thyme and citronella that are also ideal for protecting our skin from bites.

These mosquito repellent oils can be placed in jars with cotton or sprayed a little on the body. As an extra step, screens can be installed on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out of your home.

Mint is ideal to scare them away.

prevent them from reproducing

Beyond all the elements that serve to combat the mosquitoes there are some that are basic when it comes to prevention. You have to make sure to eliminate mosquito breeding sites in open spaces such as the garden, channels, buckets, pots.

Preferably appeal to prevention.

For these external places, bags or other containers filled with water can be hung on the doors and windows. The smell of vinegar annoys mosquitoes, and experts suggest keeping grass short and puddles dry.

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