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How a sangria differs from a tinto de verano and how to prepare each one

How a sangria differs from a tinto de verano and how to prepare each one

Summer is here again and it is accompanied, as usual, by several intensely hot months, where many of us look for multiple solutions to face the high temperatures. There is a list of alternatives to deal with the ravages of the summer season, although some of them are not very efficient. The one that never fails and the one that most convinces are the refreshing drinks, where par excellence, at least in Spain, stand out the sangria and the tinto de verano, sorry for the beer.

Everything that we consider great similarities keep deep differences, or if not, tell them to sangria and tinto de veranotwo drinks that, by aesthetics, are very similar, but by taste and composition they are totally divergent despite the fact that they share the same main ingredient: Red wine. With good weather, the demand for this type of drink grows significantly, and for this reason, we invite you to learn about the differences that exist between tinto de verano and sangria.

The ingredients

The first difference between both drinks, which as a general rule have to be full of iceare the ingredients that compose it. Tinto de verano is made with wine and is accompanied by soda or lemon, as preferred by the consumer. This mixture makes the presence of the wine stand out and gives it a much more acid touch. Instead, hehe sangria is much sweeter due to the inclusion of sugar, pieces of natural fruit and a splash of liquor.

But what drink do I stay with? Logically, the last word rests with the consumer, but in the event that you have not tasted both drinks, there is always one of them that has more advantages than the other and vice versa. For example, if you prefer a more fruity flavor it is better to opt for sangriawhile if you want a more intense touch the best choice will always be the tinto de verano.


As for hangovers, the worst ally after a night to remember, Bleeding digests the ravages of alcohol much worse and significantly accentuates headaches and the appearance of migraines due to sugar. The story also gives exclusivity to the protagonists of this news. The starting point of the tinto de verano is located in a sale of Córdobawhich began to market this drink at the beginning of the 20th century. The artists, among them dancers and singers, would meet at this point to consume a glass of wine mixed with soda.

However, the history of bloodletting is not very clear due to the number of hypotheses circulating on the Internet about its origin. It is said that this drink was born more than 200 years ago, when the Spanish peasants mixed wine with the fruits that were not sold in the shops. Other theories state that the bleeding It was invented in various parts of South America as a result of the colonization of our country in some of its territories.

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