American nationals were arrested with suitcases loaded with kilos of candy that they were trying to illegally import into Israel. The cause? A TikTok trend.

By opening the suitcases of American travelers in recent weeks, Israeli customs are likely to find a very particular contraband good: candies by the hundreds. In this case, “Fruit Roll-Ups”, a typical American treat that comes in the form of a colorful roll that unfolds. And it all started on TikTok.

300 kilos confiscated in one week

Two American couples have already been arrested this month for trying to smuggle these sweets into the country, and nearly 300 kilos have been confiscated in a week by the Israeli authorities, reports the Washington Postrelaying a report from theJewish Telegraph Agency.

On a video published by the Israeli site Mako, a customs official rummages through the contents of at least three suitcases jam-packed with Fruit Roll-Ups, while a man in the background tries to explain that he brought them for his family.

This month, ten packages containing more than 150 kilos of these confections were also intercepted while in transit from the United States to various addresses in Israel, reports the site Ynet. In such large quantities, these arrivals should have been considered as commercial shipments subject to taxes and other fees, and authorized by the health authorities.

A black market spawned by a viral trend

The reason for this smuggling frenzy is to be found on TikTok, where videos showing Internet users rolling up Fruit Roll-Ups on ice cream have accumulated millions of views. According to the reactions of the testers, the result is delicious: the inside of the ice cream remains melting, while the candy membrane on the outside becomes crunchy on contact with the ice cream.

Except that if in the United States, a box of 72 coins is traded for 27 dollars (about 25 euros), the coin costs up to 6 dollars per unit (i.e. 5 euros 50) in Israel, according to the Times of Israel.

To satisfy the desires of TikTok users in Israel wishing to recreate this viral trend, clever little guys have therefore had the idea of ​​bringing the coveted treat themselves across the Atlantic to resell it at a higher price – and make a generous profit.

A viral video showing the technique of wrapping a Fruit Roll-Up candy around ice cream
A viral video showing the technique of wrapping a Fruit Roll-Up candy around ice cream © Golnar Ghavami

Not without health risks

This craze – and the black market it generated – for Fruit Roll-Ups even prompted the Israeli Ministry of Health to recall the dangers of this candy, made up of no less than three different types of sugar. Sugar is a well-known cause of weight gain, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other illnesses.

The Washington Post also notes another problem raised by the trend, more unexpected. The sweet membrane of the Fruit Roll-Ups is wrapped in cellophane so that it does not stick together when rolled up… and some Internet users inadvertently consume this plastic packaging.


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