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How I Met Your Mother fans are freaking out – Ted and Lilly reunited for THE comeback?

“How I Met Your Mother”… and Father?

The stars of the mega hit series “How I Met Your Mother”, Josh Radnor (48, Ted Mosby) and Alyson Hannigan (48, Lily Aldrin), have had nothing to do with each other professionally since 2014. But they remained friends. And now they show up together Instagram. What’s behind it? The fans take note of the weather…

The joint hit series ended in 2014 after nine seasons and 208 episodes. But the viewers from back then still can’t get enough of their series heroes – and finally want to see them again in their roles. The dream? THE comeback!

“How I Met Your Mother” started in 2005, ran 208 episodes in 9 seasons – Josh Radnor, Cobie Smulders (undercover), Alyson Hannigan, Jason Segel, Neil Patrick Harris (left to right)

Photo: HIMYM

Josh Radnor writes, “Look who I had lunch with today! With none other than Alyson Hannigan! It was wonderful. It was so nice to meet again and talk about everything. And her great sweater has refined the whole thing. I will always love this girl.”

Lunch? Talk about everything? Sounds like a business meeting to many fans. But for what?

► There is a theory about this: After the end of the series, the concept (father tells his children in epic length how he met their mother) the spin-off series “How I Met Your Father” was shot, starring Hilary Duff .

Hilary Duff plays the main character Sophie in How I Met Your Father

Photo: picture alliance / Everett Collection

Two characters from the old series appeared in the first two seasons: Barney Stinson, played by Neil Patrick Harris (49) – and Robin Scherbatsky, played by Cobie Smulders (40). So still missing: Josh Radnor, Alyson Hannigan – and Jason Segel (43, Marshall Eriksen).

That’s why a fan now wishes: “Please tell us you will be in Season 3 of ‘How I Met Your Father’.”

Neil Patrick Harris in his cameo appearance in the spin-off series

Photo: picture alliance / Everett Collection

Numerous, similar comments can be found under the Instagram photo of Josh Radnor. But what’s the point?

► The fact is: Hilary Duff has already commented on this possibility and told about a digital conversation with Josh Radnor.

“I had a really nice email exchange with Josh,” the actress said. E! News“. “It was nice that he kind of passed the torch on.”

Duff continued: “We have a habit of not texting each other for a month and then it’s back on. He’s so nice, I’d love to have him here.”

Duff raves about the cast from back then: “They were so damn good at their show. Their characters were so fleshed out, they were so confident in what they were doing and the way they joked. It was like a dance. If we could have even a morsel of it, we’d be doing a great job. We think very highly of them and we want them all if that’s possible.”

If only Duff had his way, the rest of the ex-stars’ cameos are already set!

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