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How is life for Greyssi Ortega in the US? Milena Zárate’s sister gave her testimony

Greyssi OrtegaMilena Zárate’s younger sister, spoke with the program “Magaly TV: La Firme” from New York, United States, and referred to her new life in that country.

As Greyssi explained, she lives with Ítalo Villaseca and her three minor children in an immigrant hotel after receiving support from the American state.

In the ATV report, the mother of the family said that she receives her cleaning supplies, food, lodging and even diapers for free.

Ortega stressed that this humanitarian aid allows her to raise money to achieve economic independence with her husband, a goal she hopes to achieve soon.

Ortega explained that she is no longer undocumented and was able to get a job at McDonald’s. While her husband works in the construction business.

In addition, Greyssi said that her children attend school and even have health insurance.

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