How many campaign shootings have there been in the US in history? How has it affected the results?

In 1981, it was the last time an attempt had been made to assassinate a president or presidential candidate in the United States. On March 30 of that year, Ronald Reagan, who had been in power for 70 years, was shot along with three other people, thereby attempting to take his own life.

At that time, the shooter fired six shots. The first bullet hit then-White House Press Secretary James Brady in the head, who survived the assassination attempt. The second bullet hit Officer Thomas Delahanty in the back. The third hit the window of the building across the street. The fourth hit the abdomen of CIA agent Tim McCarthy, the fifth hit the window of Reagan’s limousine, and the sixth hit the president in the armpit, striking a rib.

It took 43 years for another attempt to be made on the life of a former president, in this case Donald Trump.who is seeking his second term in the United States.

Because of that, We decided to remember the shootings that have occurred during a presidential campaign or during a meeting of the current president in the United States.

Shootings in the countryside

In the history of the United States, there have been several assassination attempts on politicians or important figures in the history of the United States. This is the fourth time that a candidate has been attacked during his presidential campaign.

In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was seeking a second term as President of the United States. Roosevelt was shot in the chest before a meeting in Milwaukee. The bullet remained in his chest until his death.

After John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Osvald in 1963, In 1968 his brother, Robert, suffered the same fate after falling victim to Sirhan Sirhan, after winning the California primary elections.

In 1972, presidential candidate George Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer, leaving him paralyzed below the waist for the rest of his life. This forced Wallace to retire from the race.

In addition, some presidents in office were also victims of shootings, including: Abraham Lincoln (assassinated), James Garfield (assassinated), William McKinley (assassinated), John F. Kennedy (assassinated), Gerald Ford (survivor), Ronald Reagan (survivor).

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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