How much does the president of the Generalitat earn and what is the annual salary of the president of Catalonia?

In the campaign for the elections of the Parliament of Catalonia, a battery of very diverse topics has been addressed: the drought, the quality of public services, the Hard Rock mega casino in Tarragona. Although there is one issue that has dominated the majority of debates, gatherings and newspaper covers: who will get the Presidency of the Generalitat.

According to the polls, the current president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonshas little chance of repeating the position and everything points to a duel between the leader of the PSC, Salvador Illaand that of Junts, Carles Puigdemont. The stark struggle for post-electoral pacts will clearly have these two parties as a point of gravity.

And this fight is not anodyne, since whoever holds the position of highest authority in Catalonia, beyond being able to lead the Catalan executive, pockets the highest salary of all autonomous presidents of Spain. Pere Aragons, who is once again the ERC candidate, will be paid in 2023 136.177,50 euros, a figure equivalent to about 9,726 euros per month.

The salary of the Catalan president is higher than that of the president of the Madrid’s community, Isabel Daz Ayuso, who earns 103,090.32 euros annually. It also far exceeds that of the president of the Council of GaliciaAlfonso Rueda, who in turn receives 83,247.72 euros annually.

However, a few years ago the difference in salary with his colleagues was even more important. And when the first president of the Generalitat in the history of ERC was inaugurated, he carried out a considerable reduction in remuneration. In total he reduced it by 15%, far from the 153,000 euros per year that his successor earned, Quim Torra.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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