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How the actress Picco von Groote got her name

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The Cologne actress Picco von Groote: “I was never called anything else”. © Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

Picco is not a common first name. The actress Picco von Groote was already called that as a child – although her name is Bettina. She revealed the background to the German Press Agency.

Hamburg/Cologne – The actress Picco von Groote (41, “The Love of Hans Albers”) identifies fully with her first name – although her real name is Bettina. “I was never called anything else. Because since I was born as the youngest of the siblings, my mother has consistently called me Picco – derived from Italian Piccolina, the “little one”,” von Groote said in an interview with the German Press Agency in Hamburg. “In elementary school, for example, I didn’t react to Bettina at all. As a result, the teachers were also forced to call me Picco.” That’s how her nickname caught on.

On Saturday, February 4 (8:15 p.m.), von Groote, who lives with her family in Cologne, can be seen in her new role as chief inspector and single mother Ann Kathrin Klaasen in the ZDF “Ostfrieslandkrimis”. The seventh case “Ostfriesenmoor” was directed by Marcus O. Rosenmüller (“The Taunus Crime”) based on the screenplay by Christian Limmer (“Oktoberfest 1900”). dpa

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