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How to care for the Christmas cactus so that it gives the most beautiful flowers

He Cactus Christmas tree is one of the most decorative and beautiful plants that nature gives us. Even many people not only buy it in cold weather, but also seek to decorate a corner of their home or attract good vibes in the hottest seasons.

Although many will think that the weather has nothing to do with it, the truth is that it does with this type of vegetation. A not minor fact is that the Cactus Christmas tree needs to be at a temperature of 15 to 22 degrees to be able to survive, but, if you are one of those who wanted to have this plant in very hot times and you do not want it to die, due to the high temperatures we will offer you some tips to take care of her.

A window is the ideal place for the Christmas cactus to receive lighting.

The first, and perhaps one of the most important to maintain a Cactus Christmas, it’s watering. Although it will not be at its ideal temperature, a little cold water could prevent it from wilting and look radiant even in hot weather. Something that must be taken into account is that it should not be drowned in water either, since this could stress the plant. Keep in mind that on very humid days you also have to spray water on its leaves.

Lighting is also important, however, you have to be careful with this potussince excess heat could also wilt it. The ideal would be to put it in a window where it can receive partial sun, but always taking care that it also has moments of shade.

Irrigation in hot seasons has to be more often, although be careful not to drown the plant.

The fertilizer is also essential, and if it is liquid it can work much better. We recommend that they only be applied in spring and summer, and once a month will be more than enough. So that it can be better absorbed, the ideal would be to apply it at the time of irrigation.

Pests, the number 1 enemy of cacti

Like all plants, pests are the number 1 enemy, since they are a threat to the Cactus Christmas for the growth of its beautiful flowers, on the other hand to avoid aphids and mealybugs it is best to apply a mixture of soap and water to the leaves.

Soap and water are the best option to eliminate pests from your plant.

Another no less important fact, and that could prevent it from being attacked by pests, is to put it in a place where the plant does not receive any type of air current, as this could contaminate it and even wither it.

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