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How to clean the toothbrush and prevent it from becoming a source of bacteria

One of the most used elements in our home is the toothbrush. Beyond the various proposals on the market in terms of their bristles and anatomical shape, you have to know how to sanitize them because they accumulate thousands of bacteria.

keep a long time toothbrush It is a custom that is not very healthy. In favor of oral health, it is essential to clean this element of personal hygiene clean enough and change it with some frequency.

They should not be left in closed compartments.

According to experts in oral hygiene, both the head, if it is electric, and the head itself toothbrush it should be changed approximately every two months to maintain proper dental health.

If we take into account that, at least, we use the toothbrush twice a day, a practice that is healthy, can become harmful, since this instrument It can harbor 10 million bacteria.

Boys have to learn to brush after every meal.

Some argue that these bacteria are part of the group of beneficial ones that inhabit the flora of our mouth. However, a study published in the Indian Journal of Dental Research warned that they can inhabit from Escherichia coli, Streptococcus mutans or Lactobacillus.

Many of these bacteria are limited by the use of toothpaste, which is antimicrobial. But those who suffer from a weakened immune system should exercise extreme caution.

They can harbor germs and bacteria.

To improve oral health

Another data to take into account in relation to the toothbrush It is that, given the deterioration that it can suffer from the same use, it cannot be used on the same object for more than four months.

Although they are made with ecological materials, they have a useful life.

It is also recommended not to store them in a closed space. This prevents the removal of moisture, a fact that will end up favoring the proliferation of microbes more than exposure to air.

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