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How to decorate the house at Christmas according to the concepts of Feng Shui

The Holidays arrive and, in one way or another, we seek to give a different touch to the decoration of our home. However, through feng shuiit can be decorated but also attract harmony and prosperity.

This Chinese practice manages to unite good taste with certain colors and the location of details in certain corners, to give the house a special energy. As the consultant in feng shui Tatiana Balostro, in the newspaper The countryfrom Uruguay, with certain ornaments you can offer a special proposal.

At the table everything has to be in order.

One of the most important points to take into account in terms of feng shui It is the front door, which is the place in our house that will mark the abundance and opportunities that will enter.

For that it will be important to place good lighting and a Christmas decoration made with natural branches, bells and red and gold bows. This combination will help kick-start this discipline and it will clean the energy that enters the home.

Red and green colors bring prosperity.

Also it will be necessary to take into account the colors that represent abundance. The most used are red and goldbut you can include bright green or purple, which give joy, and blue, which gives tranquility.

The expert’s proposal includes adding all the ranges of shades, because that will help each person raise their vibration according to the color of their predominant element. This has to do with your energetic birth number.

The ornament at the entrance is key.

Living nature

To have a decoration according to the feng shui You can also include elements of nature such as pineapples, apples, cinnamon sticks and other objects, such as candles, which provide warmth and are a symbol of purification.

Candles with cinnamon stick to harmonize.

It is also advisable that spherical shapes and certain figures such as angels predominate, which are protection amulets, since they represent trust, security and harmony. Bells can be added, which are symbols of good luck.

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