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How to order the closet with the method created by Marie Kondo

His doctrine came from the East and became strong in the media. This is the method known as Konmari, created by marie kondo to maintain an adequate order in each of the environments of our home.

Among the points that the Japanese influencer highlights, one of the most important refers to not having to keep those things that we no longer use. marie kondo He maintains that you have to get rid of things, even if it hurts sometimes.

Each drawer should have a type of item or garment.

Through his book “The magic of order”, marie kondo reveals the best methods for maintaining proper organization. When she was little, she and she took care of tidying up the closets of the whole family and that was the seed of her consultancy.

For this one order guru, “organization begins with elimination”. In this sense, to order the closet and any room in the house, it is based on two points: get rid of things and fold clothes correctly.

The order begins in the morning of a day that there are no commitments.

There are six basic rules of Marie Kondo and they begin with the commitment to order: you will only see results when you take the initiative. Another is to imagine a tidy house, the third is to discard before ordering.

Another of the commandments of order is that it must be ordered by categories. When organizing the environments, a particular order must be followed: the first thing is clothes, then books and papers, followed by various objects and finally sentimental objects. And save the ones that make us happy.

In terms of colors, you have to sort by hue.

Perfect moment

As manifested marie kondo the order cannot be started on any day or time of the day, but it is recommended to do it in the morning, since that is when the mind is clearer.

What is not useful should be thrown away.

It is recommended to play music and do it alone. Regarding the clothes, it should be emptied and see what the real volume is. By checking each garment you will see if there are any that you did not remember. And to save it must be by place, for example, all the shirts in a specific drawer.

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