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How to organize the garden and orchard so that they bring harmony and well-being

When it comes to keeping the house in order, many refer to interior environments such as the bedroom, dining room or kitchen. However, the Japanese writer Marie Kondo —specialist in organization and harmony— maintains that we must not forget the garden and from the orchard.

In this way, beyond all the advice that the specialist offers about how to fold clothes and how to clean the house, she also highlights that special attention must be paid to garden. The cultivation of plants it is also an area that your organization should lead.

Plants should be located from highest to lowest height.

Since she lived in her hometown, this influencer from the organization started cultivating gardenin addition to many indoor plants and herbs, but, due to inexperience, it did not turn out as I thought.

He had to leave his native country and when he moved to the city of Los Angeles, in the United States, he had a space for his private park outdoor. This is how it was organized to guarantee optimal conditions.

Certain plants need to be grown more carefully.

The order to cultivate is simple. You should start with the basic vegetables such as tomatoes, celery and then move on to citrusan experience that requires more time, but that will allow you to harvest its fruits and eat from the land itself.

Regarding the schedules, the expert suggests that the first hours of the morning and the last hours of the afternoon are the ones that get along best with the task of the garden. He recommends taking advantage of when the heat of the weather is still manageable.

During the afternoon, when the sun goes down, you must work in the garden.

Garden and emotional healing

For this organization expert, work in the garden It not only promotes a better organization of space and time, but also the tasks that are carried out there are like a mini-spiritual retreat.

The specialist recommends talking to the plants.

She suggests taking this open space as a place to connect with nature by talking to the plants and asking how they feel. This support makes them extend their life and offer all the potential they can give us.

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