How to prevent heat from entering the house? The infallible tricks to lower the temperature of the home

We are in the middle of summer in Spain and temperatures in some parts of our country exceed 40. Many people wonder how they can keep their house cool and combat high temperatures. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to keep your house cool and combat high temperatures. little tips to keep your home feeling like a home even in this heat.

Open the doors and close the curtains and blinds

First of all, it is important to know which doors to leave open in the house. Close all doors to rooms that are not going to be used and leave them open in those that we are going to be in.In the latter case, it is recommended to open the windows, especially at night, so that the breeze runs throughout the house and cools the different rooms.

Instead, during the day, it is advisable have the blinds down and the curtains closed to prevent the sun from entering directly into our room. If we also have awnings, we can unfold them to provide more shade and prevent the sun’s rays from hitting our patios, terraces or gardens.

LED bulbs and linen sheets

The light bulbs we use in our homes also influence the level of heat in the rooms. LED or low-consumption light bulbs usually have the well-known cold light, a whiter shade of light that emits less heat than yellow, warm lighting. Implementing them during the summer can help lower the temperature in the house a little.

For sleeping it is advisable to use linen sheetsas they are breathable and cool. It is also important to turn off all appliances that are not in use.

Plants, air conditioning and fans

On the other hand, Mother Nature can be of great help. If we have a garden, adding areas of vegetation will produce more shade, and watering them will help reduce the temperature of the house. For the more daring, placing vines on the facade of the house works as a natural insulator.

As for air conditioning, it is recommended to keep it at around 26C, according to the Institute for Diversification and Savings (IDEA). The goal is to save on the electricity bill: Each lower degree represents an additional cost of between 6% and 8%. If we choose a fan, it is important to know where to place it. If we put it in the window, it will convert the heat into a breeze.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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