The Severance Indemnity Fund is a cash asset to which the worker, but it is only possible to withdraw the FGTS in specific cases, such as unfair dismissal or serious illness.

The amount is deposited monthly by the employer and can be withdrawn under conditions authorized by CAIXA. It is worth mentioning that an account becomes inactive if it is not registering movements. With this, the balance remains withheld until the worker is again in a situation that allows the withdrawal to be made again.

Who is entitled to the FGTS

To qualify for the benefit, the person must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a Brazilian worker with a formal employment contract, governed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT);
  • Rural worker;
  • Housekeeper;
  • Temporary or independent worker;
  • Crop tree in harvest period;
  • Professional athlete.

Which app should I download

You can download the FGTS application (Android | iOS) to track all your benefit movements. The app’s features include:

  • Consult balances and statement of your FGTS accounts;
  • Make withdrawals due to termination or retirement;
  • Choose a bank to receive the amounts;
  • Send documentation to be entitled to the withdrawn withdrawal;
  • Simulate withdrawal-birthday;
  • Consult amounts deposited in PIS.

How to withdraw?

The withdrawal can be done digitally through the FGTS application. CAIXA allows you to send the amount to another bank account without charging a transfer fee. In addition, the money is available after 5 working days of the request.

See how to withdraw in the FGTS application (Android | iOS):

  1. On the home screen, tap the “My withdrawals” button;
  2. Slide the screen and tap “My bank account”;
  3. Tap the “Register bank account” button;
  4. Register your account and tap “Continue”;
  5. If there is a balance, select the withdrawal type to withdraw the money.

Do you need to have a CAIXA account?

Yes, to access the FGTS application, your CPF must be linked to a CAIXA account. Registration can be done within the benefit app itself.

  1. On the home screen, tap the “Enter the application” button;
  2. Tap the “Register” link;
  3. Fill in your personal data as requested;
  4. Enter your email twice and select “Next”;
  5. Create and confirm a password;
  6. Tap “I’m not a robot” and “Register”;
  7. In the email sent, tap the confirmation link;
  8. Enter login, password and tap “Continue”;
  9. Answer the verification questions as prompted;
  10. Tap “I have read and agree to the terms of service”;
  11. Tap “Continue”.

How to check the balance?

You can check your FGTS balance in the following ways:

Entering your account in the FGTS application (Android | iOS);
By calling the number 0800 726 0207;
Via Internet Banking CAIXA, if you are a customer (;
Registering the cell phone number on the box’s website.

Consultation via the app requires you to access your account with your CPF or NIS (PIS/Pasep) number, available in your work permit. In the case of Internet Banking, the platform requires the username to log in. The balance inquiry by cell phone informs the transactions via SMS.

What withdrawal methods are available?

Check out the four main withdrawal methods:

  • Withdrawal-termination: standard modality when joining the CLT regime, the worker is entitled to this withdrawal when having the employment contract terminated without just cause by the employer;
  • Withdrawal-birthday: this modality is optional and the worker is entitled to withdraw the balance two months after the date of his/her birthday. In case of dismissal, it will not be possible to withdraw the full amount from the account, only the termination fine;
  • Retirement withdrawal: the amount is granted to the retired worker. CAIXA also allows money to be withdrawn from all accounts with a balance;
  • Withdraw serious illnesses: the worker or dependent who is affected by a serious illness can withdraw the value of the FGTS.

The complete list of withdrawal types is available on the CAIXA website (

Can I withdraw the FGTS in person?

Yes, you can go to a CAIXA branch in person to withdraw your FGTS. Within it, you can withdraw the balance in two ways:

  • ATM: withdrawals of up to R$ 1,500 can be made with the Citizen Card without needing a password. With the password, you can withdraw up to R$ 3,000;
  • On-site cashier: required for withdrawals over R$3,000. You must carry a document with a photo when being attended.

In addition to agencies, it is also possible to redeem the value in lottery shops. You must bring your Citizen Card and personal password to withdraw up to R$3,000.

Should I declare the withdrawal on the IR?

Yes. Although the FGTS withdrawal is an income exempt from the collection of income tax, it is still necessary for the taxpayer to enter the amount received in the form. The objective is to justify the equity variation in the statement.

The requirement is valid for the person who made a withdrawal-birthday, withdrawal-termination, withdrew the balance for the purchase of a property or for any other reason that led to the withdrawal of money.

If you want to check more balances in other benefits provided by the government, it is also worth checking if you are entitled to the salary bonus.


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