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How was the face-to-face meeting between China Suárez and Benjamín Vicuña

Although the china suarez He usually avoids trouble and media scandals, but he doesn’t always succeed. Proof of this is what has happened with some of his latest relationships.

Recall that the actress separated from the father of her two youngest children, Magnolia and Amancio, amid strong rumors of infidelity on the part of both. Furthermore, this coincided with the disclosure of the affair of the china suarez with Mauro Icardi.

The reflection of China for Christmas.

Finally, enough water seems to have flowed under the bridge and the china suarez He shared a family dinner with Pampita’s ex again.

The former girlfriend of Benjamín Vicuña and the Chilean gallant met nothing more and nothing less than Christmas in the luxurious house they had bought together and that now she lives with all her children.

The problems would have been left behind for this ex-partner.

Although neither of them wanted to “whitewash” that they had spent part of Christmas Eve together, This was evidenced because in the images that they uploaded to their respective social networks, it can be seen that the tablecloth and the desserts for dinner are exactly the same.

Several gossip accounts highlighted this, including that of the well-known Juariu and the so-called “Gossipeame”.

big blended family

Curiously, this reunion occurs weeks after the china suarez He maintained with Nicolás Cabré, Rufina’s father.

The actors watched some matches of the Argentine team in the World Cup together, more precisely at Eugenia’s home, and assured in recent statements that despite everything they consider themselves family.

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