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How will Paolo Guerrero fare in 2023? Predictions for his future, according to Soralla de los Ángeles

Henry Espinoza

There are only a few hours left before the beginning of the year 2023 and Soralla of Los Angeles He made the predictions for the political, sports and entertainment spheres of our country.

This is how he was encouraged to predict the future of Paolo Guerrero, one of the greatest athletes of our team. The seer indicated that 2023 is not the most propitious for his career.

Will Paolo Guerrero cut short his career in 2023?

Soralla De los Ángeles indicated that Paolo Guerrero should be careful with injuries, since it could disable him from soccer. Everything indicates that next year is not the most propitious for his career.

“A lot of news in the professional aspect, the 3 of Swords card indicates that you have to take care of possible injuries, that is, three days, three weeks or three months. This 2023 does not play anything in your favor in a matter of your profession as a soccer player to take great care of the issue of injuries ”.

How will Paolo Guerrero do in love in 2023?

The seer indicated that Guerrero will find a new love next year, there is no doubt that it is something that will not benefit: “On the subject of love you are blessed because we will see you with a new commitment”Soralla finished.


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