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HPV vaccination for boys too: what you should know about it

HPV vaccines are known to protect against cervical cancer. Vaccination is also recommended for boys. What you should know

HPV vaccinations reduce the risk of cervical cancer. However, human papillomaviruses (HPV) are also a danger for boys and can Krebs and lead precursors. The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) therefore recommends vaccinations for girls and since 2018 also for boys.

HP viruses are transmitted during sexual intercourse and infect mucous membranes and skin cells. You can cervical cancer and cause cancer of the vagina, anus, penis or oral cavity. Some HPV types can cause genital warts or genital warts.

HPV vaccination: why boys and girls should be vaccinated

The viruses are passed on through the skin and can be transmitted even through close physical contact. About 6,250 girls contract HPV infections every year. About 4,600 new ones cancer cases on the cervix occur annually, of which about 1,500 women die each year.

Die infection numbers According to the STIKO, there are an estimated 1,600 to 2,300 in boys every year. The Center for Cancer Registry Data at the Robert Koch Institute estimates that there are around 600 anal carcinomas, at least 250 penile carcinomas and at least 750 carcinomas in the oral cavity or throat in men every year, that are due to HPV infection.

HPV vaccination is also recommended for boys to protect them from cancer. In addition, vaccination rates among girls are too low for one herd immunity. In 2021, 50.4 percent of 14-year-old girls and 25.5 percent of boys were fully vaccinated, according to the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. With the vaccination recommendation, STIKO wants to strengthen community protection.

HPV vaccination: when should the child be vaccinated?

STIKO recommends an HPV vaccination from the age of 9 to 14 years. Anyone who has missed this period is advised to use the syringes by 18 years of age catch up. Ideally, vaccination should be given before the first sexual contact.

Up to the age of 18, the health insurance companies cover the costs of the vaccination. information parents and young people receive in gynecological and pediatric practices.

HPV Vaccination: How often does it need to be vaccinated?

Anyone who is vaccinated before the age of 14 only needs two HPV vaccinations. Between the two syringes should be at least five months. If the interval is less than five months, three injections must be administered.

Even those over 14 against HPV is vaccinated, gets three injections. Depending on the vaccine, the length of time until vaccination protection varies. Loud Federal Center for Health Education but it should be completed after one year.

However, many of the boys and girls are not fully vaccinated. According to the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, 63.3 percent of girls and 37.2 percent of boys up to the age of 14 were vaccinated at least once in 2021. However, the vaccination rate increases every year.

HPV Vaccination: Where can you get vaccinated?

Most girls go to get vaccinated against HPV gynecologist. In addition to gynaecologists, general practitioners, paediatricians and urologists usually also vaccinate.

More on children’s health:

HPV vaccination: what are the side effects?

too frequent side effects include, according to the Federal Center: pain, redness or swelling at the puncture site. Headaches, muscle pain, fever, gastrointestinal problems, dizziness and tiredness could also occur. However, these complaints are usually short-lived. Serious side effects would be rare.

Also interesting: Which vaccinations the STIKO provides

HPV Vaccination: Can I still get vaccinated as an adult?

There are currently over 200 different ones HPV type known. Almost everyone will contract the virus at least once in their lifetime without realizing it. Most often, this infection occurs by the age of 25.

But since an infection does not occur immunity lead, there would still be a risk of renewed infection afterwards, according to the federal center. Most cancers are caused by the two high-risk types 16 and 18.

That’s why you can also be adult get vaccinated against HPV. Some health insurance companies even pay for the vaccinations up to the age of 26. In addition, the Federal Center advises regular cancer screening tests.

HPV vaccination: does a condom protect against infection?

In principle, even using a condom can increase the risk of a HPV infection be reduced. However, since the condom only covers part of the genital area, you can still get infected with the virus.

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