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Hube tells us about family as an influence on his music and the ‘ESSENCE’ in it

Humberto Rodríguez Terrazas is only 22 years old, but he already has several albums released throughout his relatively short career. This guy, better known in the music scene as Humbeis premiering with the album ESSENCE and in an interview with, we spoke with him about this launch.

But not only that, but also this regal young talent He explains to us how his family has been an important influence to love music... And he even tells us how several of his songs are inspired precisely by those close to him. Check out the full interview below.

Interview with Humbe

The importance of family in Humbe’s music

“I grew up listening to music from all over the world and that influenced me a lot… Aerosmith, Michael Jackson, Beyoncé… there are many artists that I want to meet and that I would have loved to meet”Hube tells us in an interview about the music he listens to and how his family has been part of the mold of his musical taste.

Humbe says that right now, he’s an R&B dive. The influence is quite noticeable on the album ESSENCE that he released in this same 2023, in which he has once again collaborated with his brother in writing songs and in which they even have a theme called “mom”. Here we tell you the story behind this song.

Humbe. Photo: via Instagram.

The meaning of the album ‘ESENCIA’

Many artists have a moment when they make certain records, a more intimate refuge than you could imagine. Before I Lost, ESSENCE it’s that moment that sets this release apart from past ones.

“Intimacy, totally… Personal intimacy that has ESSENCE. It is an album in which we went completely inside what Humbe is, what I am, what it is like to go through so many moments that form and move one’s essence…”says Hube in an interview.

You can now listen to Humbe’s new album on digital platforms. And of course, don’t forget to check out the complete talk we had with the artist at the YouTube link that we left above.

Cover of the album ‘ESENCIA’ by Humbe. Photo: Sony Music.

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