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Hugh Grant refused a role in a mythical saga

Hugh Grant, who we saw recently with a small role in the film Glass Onion: a story at loggerheads on Netflix, refused a major role in a legendary saga of the 7th art. The reason is rather surprising!

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If Hugh Grant enjoys a good reputation and a qualitative filmography, it is because the 62-year-old actor took care to analyze each project in which he was offered to play. The actor is aware that he can sometimes seem demanding, but this allows him to be in tune with the films and series for which he is involved: “This means that I refuse 990 scripts out of a thousand, then when you find one that’s good, you grab it with both hands. After that, you keep working on it, you keep bullying the writer, and you make sure they’re as good as they can be.Hugh Grant has not always refused to invest in projects because of their scenarios, but rather for the sake of schedule. Indeed, the actor could land a major role in a mythical saga, but he preferred instead shoot in a romantic comedy with Sandra Bullock.

Hugh Grant: What big role did the actor turn down to play in Love without warning?

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Hugh Grant absolutely wanted to give the reply to Sandra Bullock, an actress he has found talented since he discovered her: “I don’t know why she would want to work with ME, but I wanted to work with her just because I always looked up to her, I thought she was THE girl, the queen of this stuff. She’s a brilliant comedian, beautiful and charming. I just thought it might work because the chemistry can only be better if there’s a part of you that really likes the person you’re doing it with.” And for this role, the actor refused to star in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a movie that made nearly $1 billion at the box office, $879 million to be exact. The saga which has 8 films, has totaled 7.7 billion dollars at the box office. Hugh Grant was apparently considered for the role of the wizard Gilderoy Lockhart. “Unfortunately Hugh had to turn down the role because he’s committed to making a film with Sandra Bullock next February,” Grant’s agent Karin Smith revealed to Slash Movie. It was Kenneth Branagh who finally played it.

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Glass Onion : Hugh Grant confirms the marriage of his character with Benoit Blanc

Hugh Grant makes a quick appearance in Glass Onion: A story at loggerheads, streaming on Netflix. Near Colliderhe talks about his cameo with humor and confirms what was until then an assumption: “That is true, I am married to James Bond. It’s a very small moment. I don’t really know why they wanted to do it but anyway, I thought Knives Out was awesome. So I thought ‘why not?’ It only took me a few hours…”

Article written in collaboration with 6medias

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