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Hugo and Lara, from Temptation Island, are already parents: the curious detail behind their name

Hugo and Lara, from Temptation Island, are already parents: the curious detail behind their name

The family of Temptation Island it doesn’t stop growing. Hugo Prez and Lara Tronticontestants of the third edition of the reality show, They have announced the birth of their first child. Happy news with which they justify his absence on the networks, and which they have not hesitated to share with their followers on Instagram.

The reason for our absence. We are so, so happy, everything has turned out great, this is wonderful, adapting and enjoying it. Looking forward to getting home and presenting it to our little ones. Thank you for so many messages of concern. We love you, they have written on their profiles on social networks.


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Regarding the name chosen for the little one, the couple has chosen it to be Nichols. A beautiful name that also has a curious detail, and it comes in their surnames. And the couple of former contestants They have chosen to give him his mother’s first surname, and then his father’s, calling himself: Nicols Tronti Pérez.

One of the most beloved couples on the program

Hugo Prez and Lara Tronti They came to the third edition of Temptation Island to test their love. They headed to the Dominican Republic, where they demonstrated that it is possible to return to Spain without falling into temptation. They laughed, cried, and got excited during their adventure, and In the reunion with Sandra Barneda they starred in one of the most emotional moments of the reality show, with the Galician asking Lara to marry him before the attentive gaze of the presenter.who also ended up getting emotional.

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