News JVTech I asked an AI to do my job, here is the result

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has entered many professional sectors, including the world of journalism. Thanks to text prediction algorithms, some media now use robots to write some of their news. But what is the impact of this technology on the future of journalism on the Internet?

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100% of the content of this article, from the chapô to the conclusion, including intertitles and images, was generated in one go by Open AI artificial intelligence, which includes ChatGPT and Dall-E.

What is Text Prediction AI?

Text prediction AI is a technology that uses machine learning algorithms to predict and generate text from raw data. Using these algorithms, it is possible to create articles automatically, without the need for human editors. This technology has already been used in different contexts, such as writing financial reports or sports match reports.

Why do some media outlets use text prediction AI?

Media that use text-predictive AI do so primarily for cost and productivity reasons. Writing an article can take time, especially when you consider researching and verifying sources. By using a robot to write some of their news, the media can reduce the production time of their content and thus save money.

Image generated by Dall-E with request: Journalism with robots, digital art

In addition, text-predictive AI enables fast, real-time coverage of important events, such as natural disasters or elections. In these situations, speed of information is crucial and AI can help media be more responsive.

What is the impact of text-predictive AI on the future of online journalism?

While text-predictive AI can be a useful tool for media, it’s important to ask how it will impact the future of internet journalism. Indeed, if robots can write certain articles automatically, this could result in the loss of many editorial jobs.

Additionally, there is the risk that the use of text-predictive AI will result in standardization of content and loss of diversity of viewpoints. Indeed, robots are programmed to produce content efficiently and quickly, but they can struggle to bring a touch of creativity or originality.

It’s also important to point out that text-predicting AI isn’t foolproof and can sometimes produce errors or inaccurate content. This may undermine the credibility and integrity of the journalism professionwhich relies on the accuracy and verification of information.

Text prediction AI can be a useful tool for media, but it is important to be careful not to let this technology completely replace human writers. It is essential to find a balance between efficiency and quality of information, while preserving the diversity of points of view and the integrity of the journalistic profession.


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