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“I had a talk with the Virgin of Guadalupe”: Pedro Sola

The popular TV Azteca host, Pedro Sola, revealed before the television cameras that he had had a talk with the Virgin of Guadalupe

Alone, 75, said on the Ventaneando program that the brunette from Tepeyac had communicated with him.

The driver made it clear to his companions that the Virgin spoke in his ear, for which they questioned what he had said.

Pedro Sola’s comments arose after Tefi Valenzuela, Eleazar Gómez’s ex-partner, confessed that he would premiere a rap he composed for the Virgin of Guadalupe.

The presenter stressed that sometimes the Virgin speaks to him, and he even confessed that he once did and he has it very much in mind.

“Sometimes she speaks to me, if the Virgin speaks to me. I feel that the Virgin speaks to me, she once did it ”, she confessed.

Immediately, Daniel Bisogno mocked his partner and commented: “You act like the Virgin speaks to you,” insinuating that his partner’s words were a lie.

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