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"I have already cheated" : Aya Nakamura without taboo on her hectic love life

With the release of her new album DNK, the most personal of all, Aya Nakamura reveals herself and approaches her love life like never before.

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In less than eight years of career, Aya Nakamura became a French artist with international success. The singer of Djadja releases his new album on January 27 DNK, like the consonants of his real surname Danioko. The opportunity to give an exclusive interview for RTL’s morning show, RTL morning, and its journalist Steven Bellery. During this interview, she revealed that she had struggled to assume the title of queen of R&B that she had been given from the start of her career and explained that she was not the origin of the nickname “queen” given to her by her fans. The singer also explained how proud she was to have become a symbol, a model in spite of herself for women who find themselves in her, assuming to be considered as “tall, charismatic, beautiful.”

“Just a woman, a human”

Her new album, more personal than the previous ones, is part of the journey of a woman in love but who has already experienced disappointments. A familiar subject in the register of the singer which explains why she revealed herself a little more: “From the start I always sang that. After a while, there was always this thing of the ‘queen’, the strong woman, the woman who controls men and people forgot that I was also just a woman simply and who could also sometimes be sensitive, have fears, have fears, in short a human.” The RTL journalist underlines it: listening to the artist’s new album would almost give the impression of a woman unhappy in love.

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“A very personal way of seeing the couple”

Currently on trial with her ex-companion for reciprocal domestic violence, Aya Nakamura confided in her love life now that she is an international personality: “I’m rarely lucky but no, it’s just that I have a very personal way of seeing the couple. It’s not easy going out with someone very famous, very courted. It can be complex, let’s say. I have often been hurt, I have already hurt. I have been deceived before, I have already been deceived. We hurt each other, you hurt me and that’s part of life.” And the artist to clarify: “I love freedom too much and that’s even why I’m afraid of getting married or those things because I still want to be in a relationship and feel free.”

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