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I have many reasons to be happy

I have many reasons to be happy

The Puerto Rican woman traveled in November with her daughter Alaa to Uruguay to record Who Will Fall?, which Univision broadcasts through UniMs from Monday to Friday in the 7 pm slot. And upon his return he joined Aflac’s effort to raise awareness among Latinos in the US about the importance of health care.

I am super happy that they gave me the opportunity to go to Uruguay to record this program that I enjoyed very much. I am eager and focused on seeing how the public receives it to know if there is a next season, said Adamari López, during a telephone interview that he gave to DIARIO LAS AMRICAS.

As for a drama project, they haven’t told me anything right now, he added about the possibility of a near return to the network’s soap operas.

If this year promises for the entertainer, 2023 left a bittersweet taste: on the one hand, her departure from the program in April Hi Dafrom Telemundo, and on the other a new venture.

It was a very nice year, in which I started working. And then, a little before mid-year, I had the surprise of leaving the program I was in for 11 years. And I am so grateful for that opportunity that they gave me for all that time, but that challenged me to do new things and look for other opportunities. I launched my accessories line. I wanted something that went hand in hand with what I do but, at the same time, was mine and independent. Fortunately, today I have my chains and bracelets from the Amore collection. And I am very excited that people continue to support me, he continued.

And then came the pleasant surprise of returning to television with Who Will Fall? So 2023 was a year full of new opportunities for professional growth, but also on a personal level as a mother.

After leaving the Telemundo morning show, López has been able to dedicate more time to her daughter, something that her old schedule did not allow.

I have been able to share more with Alaa, I have been more present as a mother. Since I don’t have to get up at four in the morning to go to work, I can take her to school and share in activities that they do in the mornings that I missed before. So in that aspect it has been very beneficial to bring us closer, although we already have a super close and loving relationship. She understood the work part, but it makes her very happy that her mother is in her activities in the mornings, she explained.

The actress and entertainer has faced a period of changes since May 2021, when she separated from the father of her daughter, the Spanish dancer. Toni Costa.

Regarding how he dealt with the breakup after 10 years of relationship, he commented:

I am a woman of faith and I believe that everything happens for a reason. There is always learning to be found in each of the stages in which we live. And you find it if you are attentive, because if not, life happens to you and you continue in a circle that leads to nothing. But I have learned that I am strong, that I have the love and support of my family. That I have new opportunities to improve as a human being, as a couple, as a mother and as a professional. And that I have many reasons to move forward and be happy.

You have to know how to get up from each fall and look for what that learning is to try not to repeat patterns that lead us to another fall. You have to smile at life.

López also overcame her divorce from Luis Fonsi, to whom she was married for four years. After separating from the Puerto Rican singer in 2010, she found love again in Costa’s arms a year later on the Mira quin baila track. And despite the setbacks in love, she continues to believe in happy endings.

I would like to think that they do exist (loves for life), just as we have friendships, family relationships, which are for life, with ups and downs, because you can move on, but for that you need the will to the two persons. When you have a relationship, if the other person doesn’t want to continue, you can’t fight alone. You also have to know when it is time to give yourself your place, to respect yourself and look for another path. But I think that yes, there are relationships for life when both people want them and when that couple is worth it, he said.

Beyond the advice he might give his daughter in the future on this issue, he assures that his actions speak for themselves.

And I think that more than advice, I am leading by example. The moment I understood that my relationship was not on the path that I believed was right for me and my daughter, I got out of the relationship. And I think it was the best decision I could have made. And that was the best example I could give to my daughter, because one dictates by example more than by words, she explained.

(Alaa) and I talk about different things, depending on the situations that are happening, people around us or even television itself. And depending on those topics, depending on their age, I address what my way of thinking is and how I have made my decisions. If that serves as an example for her later, great. It does not mean that all the decisions I have made have been correct, but within my ability and wisdom I am trying to direct it to the best possible place, he added.

Likewise, he reiterated the importance of taking care of physical and mental health, especially for those who are going through a romantic breakup.

Although one may be physically well, if one is not emotionally healthy, that will be reflected in some organ of the body, which is why it is important to prevent and take care of our body, which is our temple. And that includes the emotional part.

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