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"I made my lips swell, my cheeks were too big" : the cash secrets of Melissa Gilbert (Little House on the Prairie) on cosmetic surgery

Hollywood can be ruthless towards actresses, demanding youth and beauty at all costs. Melissa Gilbert, the former child star of Little House on the Prairie, had the bitter experience of this, as she confided in Télé-Loisirs.

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At 59, Melissa Gilbert seems more fulfilled than ever! The one who played the unforgettable Laura Ingalls in The Little House On The Prairie now takes complete responsibility. Indeed, the actress, who lost her father very young, revealed to us during the 2023 Monte-Carlo Television Festival that she succumbed to Hollywood pressure when she was younger before finally deciding to stop all cosmetic surgery. “It’s terrible“, the actress began to explain to us about the pressure that women feel in the world of television and cinema. “About ten years ago, I looked in the mirror and made a very thoughtful decision“, she continued.

The reasons that pushed Melissa Gilbert (The Little House On The Prairie) to stop cosmetic surgery

While Melissa Gilbert lived in the City of Angels, she decided to move for her well-being. A decision she never regretted. “When I lived in Los Angeles, I had my lips plumped, and my cheeks were a little too big because I was getting all kinds of injections. I also colored my hair. I was starting to not look like myself anymore and it was taking too much work. I wanted to grow old. So I decided to move to Michigan, while continuing to work as an actress. I stopped everything and, as you can see, I no longer color my hair. They are all silver and gray. I’m getting older, that’s for sure! I’m so grateful I made these decisions because life has become so much sweeter since I stopped caring what people think“, the actress of The Little House On The Prairie.

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Melissa Gilbert likes to look like a grandmother even if sometimes she still has complexes

If the actress is comfortable in her skin, that’s not why she no longer has any complexes. “So, yeah, sometimes I worry when I look in the mirror and I say, ‘Oh, I’m old.’ Or that I would like to be thinner. But I’m healthy and I’m a grandmother now. I look like a grandmother and I feel good about myself. Now I want to help other women do the same. I think there’s so much pressure on women to conform to a model that we want to be like, and sometimes it’s not even men who put that pressure on us. I don’t know if we do it more for men or more for each other“, explained to us Melissa Gilbert, before comparing the beauty criteria to the Kardashian family that some young girls may feel. “When the Kardashian family becomes the goal, it becomes very difficult for young girls. You can’t do the same. What I mean is, no one has that much money. This family has trainers, surgeons, lasers, treatments… not to mention the time it takes. I don’t know how we can have time to live with all this. I’m so happy to sit at home and knit sweaters and scarves“, concluded the actress with satisfaction.

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