You are currently viewing "I needed a change of scenery" : Cristina Cordula back on M6, she justifies her absence from the air

Having style while being eco-responsible: that’s Cristina Cordula’s new credo! This Monday, September 25, the sparkling presenter is finally back on M6 after almost a year spent away from TV, since the cessation of Shopping queens. From Monday to Friday from 4:50 p.m., for two weeks, she will host Dressing Challenge, a show dedicated to second-hand goods. During an interview given to Tele-Leisure, the former international model agreed to say more about this new format. She also spoke about her future on television and her relationship with her only son.

Cristina Cordula: “Dressing Challenge (M6) is in tune with the times”

Télé-Loisirs: In what state of mind do you present this new concept created by M6?
Cristina Cordula: I’m excited to try this show. I presented The Queens of Shopping, which I adored, since 2013. I wanted a change of scenery, to renew myself. This project is timely.

We haven’t seen you on TV since last October. For what ?
I threw Magnifaïk, my own makeup line. A big project started in 2020 which required a lot of work. The game was worth it. These few months away from TV were necessary and took me out of my comfort zone. They gave me new impetus for the future.

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Were you afraid that viewers would forget you?
No because I haven’t really disappeared from the radar. The public follows my daily life through my social networks. (Cristina has more than six million subscribers on the Internet, editor’s note) We are close and we talk almost every day, even in the street. I’m making the most of it because I’m aware that it could end tomorrow.

M6 has experienced some audience difficulties in recent months, particularly in access. Have you been called for help?
(She laughs.) M6 first offered me Dressing Challenge because I am the channel’s fashion representative! The show deals with second-hand goods, a trendy subject that she has wanted to address for several years. When Studio 89 (the company that produces the format, editor’s note) found the right concept, they contacted me and I immediately accepted.

How does this show innovate?
Every evening, I meet participants, often addicted to shopping, and whose closets are overflowing with clothes they have never worn. I help them sort to only keep what matches their body type. We resell the rest on the Internet and in specialized stores. The accumulated prize pool allows them to buy two trendy, second-hand looks. I want to show that it is possible to have style at a lower cost while being more eco-responsible.

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Cristina Cordula: “The support of the public has been vital for me”

Are you a second-hand fan yourself…
I already bought them when I was a model. I still wear a sublime psychedelic jacket, 70’s cut, found in London in the 1980s. I also have new clothes but second hand takes up a large part of my wardrobe. Twice a year, I empty my closet and sell what I no longer wear. With this money, I buy other unique pieces at reduced prices and above all of quality.

In 2024, you will celebrate your 20th career in television. What are you most proud of?
I am proud of myself, of my journey. I left Brazil at 20 to become an international model, my childhood dream. I managed to reinvent myself in image consulting when my son was born. I was already 40 years old when M6 spotted me. It was hard to build a career in a country that wasn’t my own. We had to be resilient. My work but above all the support of the public have been vital for me.

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How do you see the rest of your career on TV?
I would like to host a show on well-being, a subject in line with makeovers and beauty, my favorite themes. M6 is aware of my desire. On the other hand, I don’t see myself still being on the air at 80, like Michel Drucker. I do not care. When the time is right, I will have to move on. I don’t know the exact date of my departure yet, but it will be soon.

At 58, do you think that your age could be an obstacle to your professional development?
Unfortunately, I know very few women who stay on the air past a certain age. From the age of 50, people often tell us that we are old and finished. This concerns all professions, in fact. It’s absurd and I fight against this kind of prejudice.

Cristina Cordula: “My son Enzo has already received offers for shows”

Have you ever thought about becoming a TV presenter in Brazil, your native country?
My personality and my accent helped me break through in France, which would not be the case there. I would also have to settle there but that is not feasible because my whole life is here. Anyway, I like my anonymity in Brazil too much to have a career on TV there.

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Among your greatest successes is your son Enzo, 28 years old. How would you describe your relationship?
We call each other every day. He created a skills exchange platform (Wooskill, editor’s note) and I am proud of him. Once a week, we dine in the same Japanese restaurant, at the same table. These moments just for us are precious. He also helps me develop my consulting firm. Finally, he always has the words to boost me if I’m not doing well. Our love is unconditional.

What relationship does it have with fashion?
He likes it and what I appreciate about him is the fact that he is not over-consumer. His generation is more attentive to the well-being of the planet than mine. This is a real example for me.

Do you give him advice on dressing?
When he goes shopping, he sometimes sends me photos of his fittings to get my opinion. So far, I haven’t had any complaints about its looks. (She laughs.) I like the way he dares to dress. I learn a lot with him and it allows me to stay modern.

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Does the world of TV interest your son?
Enzo has already received offers for shows but I don’t think he wants them. However, he has the charisma and ease necessary in this profession. I try to dissuade him because this environment is tough. But if one day he wants to get started, I won’t be opposed to it.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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