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I plan to shout my age from the four winds

I plan to shout my age from the four winds

MIAMI.-It’s been 10 years since Giselle Blondet He published his anecdotes in the book I’m 50 and What?, in which he invites us to defy age and live to the fullest. And now he reaches 60 ms, still comfortable in his own skin.

The actress and presenter assures that today, with more experiences, she feels more desire to enjoy life and continue reinventing herself with new projects outside of a television set. In recent years she prepared to become certified as a life and self-esteem coach.

The years go by, one becomes fulfilled and becomes aware of how quickly time passes. With everything I have learned and all the experience I have been accumulating, I feel stronger to do even greater things than I thought or managed to do when I was younger, Giselle Blondet told DIARIO LAS AMRICAS.

And I think we are living in a moment in which we need to see people feeling comfortable with themselves, with new projects at any age, because I think 10 years ago people were happier. And now everyone talks about mental health, depression, loneliness. I feel very lucky because thank God I don’t have any of those situations, she added.

Blondet, who is one of the faces of the Telemundo program The hot tablehas focused for some time on nurturing an interest that she has had since she was a child: the human mind.

I have always liked human beings, I wanted to be a psychologist. And the idea is that you have to evolve, because there are people who get discouraged and when they reach an age, they no longer want to do anything and think of age as a limitation. I have never seen it like that. Now is when I have the most projects and I am super happy with this new opportunity that God gives me to show that life is much more than a number, he explained.

I studied here at the university to become certified as a life and self-esteem coach, I have been preparing for several years. Beginnings exist every day and so do possibilities if we see them in our minds. I think I am in a moment of great clarity and security. And I want to make the most of it, I am going to give many conferences this year.

In addition to serving as a self-esteem coach, Blondet will soon have news regarding her personal and professional life.

I have plans on television that I can’t reveal yet. I also have other projects that have to do with the network and personal projects, which little by little you will get to know, but the most important thing is that, instead of hiding my age, I plan to shout it from the rooftops, as I have always done, but now more than ever. And the funniest thing is that finally, now at 60, I feel ready to have a relationship as it should be, she said.

Regarding the topic of self-esteem, which he will address in his conferences, he assures that it is essential to heal wounds from the past to know how to make better choices both emotionally and in the workplace.

I believe that the most important thing is to heal our wounds, first we must recognize them. That is what strengthens us. For me, the key is to heal. When you heal all aspects of your life, everything improves: you make better decisions, choose your partner better, your job or have a greater chance of having a lifelong relationship, she said.

And we all have the ability to reflect, but we don’t take the time. That is, we want the fastest path. And that path exists the moment you start to become more responsible for yourself, that’s when you start to see things more clearly and you realize that when you take action, you see the result you want. The slow path is where you see yourself as a victim because you come from a dysfunctional family. And on that path you always choose the same partner that you know has characteristics that are not for you, in which you feel dissatisfied with the work, you are afraid, you do not recognize your talent, you think that this is the most you can achieve and you stay. stagnant, you get depressed, he added.

At 60 years old, which she turned on January 9, the Capricorn would not change anything that she has experienced, including having gotten married and becoming a mother so young. She married at 18 and had her first child at 20. Ella Blondet has two daughters, a son and three grandchildren.

I won’t change those decisions I made. I didn’t like some of them so much, I could have edited a few things, but they are part of my learning and the opportunity to share those experiences with my children so that they can do things differently. But also sometimes one gives too much importance to things that do not have it and we choose the role of victim, because we have been taught that way, she said.

And when I look back a little and think about a relationship I’ve had, before I used to think why did he do that or that to me. And then I realized that it happened because I allowed it, it didn’t have to happen. But sometimes one is tied to stormy relationships and it is difficult to get out of those relationships.

As a mother, Blondet feels fulfilled, proud and grateful for how her daughters know how to manage their relationships and how they set professional goals.

I am pleasantly surprised with them. They have very healthy relationships where there is a lot of communication. I like how their relationships are working. I see them more mature than I was. They are very clear about what they want to achieve professionally and they go for it. I think that if you have a degree of commitment and are willing to work on yourself to strengthen yourself, that is key.

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