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"I want to make you happy" : Patrice (Love is in the meadow) announces his choice to his suitor (SPOILER)

In the next episode of Love is in the meadow, broadcast on Monday October 2 on M6 and already available on 6play Max, Patrice admits his attraction to one of his suitors. Who did he choose between Véronique and Justine?

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That’s it, we know his choice! This Monday, October 2, M6 will offer the seventh episode of the new season of Love is in the meadow with the continuation of Patrice’s adventures. The farmer welcomed Justine and Véronique to his farm in Normandy and some tensions began to appear. The day after the karaoke evening where we saw a rapprochement between Véronique and Charles, another farmer of the season, Patrice and Justine retired a few steps from the farm, sitting on bales of hay, in order to draw an initial assessment of the beginning of their cohabitation. “I saw that you were invested in the work, it made me happy“, begins Patrice. Visibly already very moved, Justine replies: “It made me happy too“.

Love is in the meadow : Patrice makes his first declaration of love to his suitor

His beloved continues with a discussion more focused on feelings. “I see you are comfortable at home in such a short time“, he said just before his suitor continued by asking him: “and I find our conversations fluid, right?“. Justine then asks Patrice if she can take his hand. “When you start to get attached to someone, you obviously don’t know if it’s reciprocal.“, she confesses. Patrice, himself, appears more tender than ever. “It does me a lot of good. I would like to leave all these years behind me and enjoy a life together“, he says.

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I feel the feeling of being loved“: Patrice de Love is in the meadow opens his heart to Justine

After ensuring that he had made his choice, Justine asks Patrice why he preferred her to Véronique. “Your letter touched me a lot. Your story. You were unhappy, I want to make you happy… But it’s going to take me a little time because it’s all new to me. I spent three exceptional days with you. I am happy to be with you“, he testifies. “For so many years, I’ve missed it, you don’t know how much. I’m happy to be in your arms“, continues the farmer. A few moments later, when returning to this sequence in front of the camera, Justine is on cloud nine. “At the moment, I feel really good, peaceful, because just yesterday I was asking myself a lot of questions. I felt he was complicit with Véronique and with me so I still had anxiety. And in the end, it’s a nice surprise. I hope we will live a beautiful story“, enthuses the contender. For his part, Patrice takes stock of this discussion with disconcerting honesty. “I feel the feeling of being loved. And this is the first time this has happened to me in my life“, he declares. The beginning of a long and beautiful story?

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