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"I was born into a lie" : Kerry Washington made a terrible discovery about her origins

Beneath her irresistible smile, Kerry Washington hides personal wounds. Five years ago, the actress revealed in Scandal learned the truth about her origins, as she recounts in her memoir.

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On display atUnprisonedto watch on Disney +, Kerry Washington, who already has a great career behind her, is preparing to release her memoirs, entitled Thicker Than Wateron the advice of her friend, the producer, Shonda Rhimes with whom she collaborated on Scandal notably. In her book, the 46-year-old actress looks back on her schooling but also deeper and personal problems. In particular, she recounts a particularly difficult moment, when she discovered that her father was not her father. In 2018, Kerry Washington was on the show Finding Your Roots. While she was supposed to collect saliva samples for the show, the actress faced resistance from her parents. “My father was really uncomfortable”she remembers.

Kerry Washington has always felt “weird shift” with his father

And for good reason ! Kerry Washington then discovered the truth about her origins and learned that she had been conceived using donated sperm. “I always had this weird disconnect with my father, but I thought it was my fault. I thought I wasn’t nice enough. But the idea that I wasn’t his didn’t appeal to me. never came to mind.”, she says again. Kerry Washington says she experienced conflicting feelings upon learning the truth, including liberation and excitement. But there were also feelings of guilt “because I could see how much my parents were suffering, my father in particular”.

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Kerry Washington is still searching for her biological father

Kerry Washington tried to find her biological father, but according to the Times, his searches were in vain. The actress explained to the American site People that her decision to include this revelation in her memoir had been difficult for her parents to accept, although they were generally supportive. She also stated that she “would be forever grateful” for learning the truth on this show. “I’m still missing a piece to help me know where half of my DNA comes from”she declared to the New York Times.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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