“The decision has not yet been made” as to Marine Le Pen’s new candidacy for the presidential election, however, the 2017 and 2022 finalist claims to be “absolutely not afraid of power.”

The National Rally plays on different tables. While a motion of censure must be submitted to the vote of the deputies this Monday afternoon and could cause the dissolution of the government if it is voted – and consequently the calling of new legislative elections – the deputy of Pas-de-Calais Marine Le Pen assured him: she does not wish to occupy the position of Elisabeth Borne.

“I said that I will not go to Matignon but we have a very large number of profiles to be prime minister and carry the will of the French”, she said this Monday morning on RTL, without naming potential suitors. “We will see that when the time comes,” she simply added.

In the event of early legislative elections, Marine Le Pen also confirmed that her party would not present a candidate against an LR deputy who would have voted for the motion of censure against the government. “Sometimes you have to put the homeland before the parties,” she justified.

“I am not afraid of power, I look forward to it”

On the other hand, the former president of the far-right party already seems to want to plunge into the battle for the presidential election and lays her foundations for 2027.

“I have been a presidential candidate three times, perhaps I would be a fourth time, the decision has not yet been made”, she says, to justify her desire not to become Prime Minister. . “I am absolutely not afraid of power, I look forward to it,” she says, however.

“I am looking forward to it so that I can demonstrate to the French people that we are capable of carrying out the reforms they expect, and that we can obtain very good results for the country in terms of their security, their prosperity and the defense of their identity”, concluded the finalist of the presidential elections of 2017 and 2022.


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