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Ibai Llanos and his ironic reaction to the collaboration of Shakira and Bizarrap: “Rest in peace, Gerard Piqué”

Shakira and the Argentine producer bizarre caused a stir after the premiere of “Bzrp. Music Session #53″ on Wednesday, January 11. The new theme quickly became a trend and generated more than one reaction, and one that did not go unnoticed was that of the Spanish streamer Ibai Llanos, a friend and partner of Gerard Piqué.

Through his channel YoutubeIbai showed what his reaction was when he saw the video clip of the new song that has become a worldwide trend with only 12 hours since its release

At first, Ibai seems quite comfortable with the rhythm of the song. “It has flow”, “it has roll” and “beef”, is the first thing you hear him say.

However, his expressions of astonishment are evident when he listens to the lyrics. “You left my mother-in-law as a neighbor, with the press at the door and the debt in the Treasury; you thought you hurt me and you made me tougher; women don’t cry anymore… women bill”, before that part of the song, Ibai does not hesitate to react with a: , to later add:

But not everything stops there, because he also refers to the part in which Shakira’s song would refer to Clara Chía, Piqué’s current partner. “He has the name of a good person, clearly not what he sounds like; she has the name of a good person, she is clearly the same as you, for guys like you; It looks big on you and that’s why you’re with someone just like you.” And Ibai, upon hearing this, opens his eyes and only ends up exclaiming:

In the next part of the song, Ibai doesn’t hold back and says:

The streamer constantly repeats “it’s a great song, really”, while he can’t contain his laughter and enjoys Shakira’s song.

was the only thing he managed to say almost at the end.

Rebeca Escribns celebrates Shakira’s song

Rebecca Writens was no stranger to the new song of Shakira Y bizarre and at the start of his America Espectáculos block he commented on the subject, which has more than one hint at Gerard Piqué and Clara Chía after a scandalous episode of infidelity.

For the TV presenter, the soccer player has well deserved what is happening to him. “Surely you are licking your fingers with that song I am listening to. There is nothing to do, if the leg turns you around, you stir it worldwide as Shakira has done, who is breaking with reproductions“, said.

In addition, the popular “Rebe” recommended that her viewers search YouTube for the lyrics of the Colombian song to understand the strong message she sends.

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