While The body on fire rocks on Netflix, Ursula Corbero, who plays Rosa Peral in the production, is on promotion. From event to event, and from medium to medium, it has reached the streaming of River Llanos. He had a relaxed, calm conversation with the Basque content creator, in which they discussed different topics. Among them, the goals of each one; and, along those lines, The Catalan actress has opened up by declaring that she aspires to film with Wes Anderson.

Ibai did not want to waste the opportunity, and he also did the same. “I have a complicated dream,” whet the appetite. Her confession is a nod to the beginnings of her Twitch and YouTube channel. His objectives are to promote his eSports team, KOIwhich, at this moment, “He is in a difficult moment.” Like someone talking about a son, Ibai regrets the situation: “I think about it every day and it’s complicated.”. However, the YouTuber, who has never disappointed when it comes to aiming high, has not set a comeback as his main goal. He goes further. Far beyond.

A “dream” that is already underway

One of his proposed summits, the one that “has it in his head”, It’s summed up quickly: “be world champion.” As you read, with tournament and venue included. “The competition is very difficult, there are very good people, you lose because of details, you have to be the best in the world out of hundreds of thousands of teams”, details. And there lies the key, the crux of the matter that adds complexity to the matter. It is not a time in front of the computer, but a real dispute.


“I’m aiming very high, but you never know. “That is my dream and I am going to fight for it.”insists Ibai, who never stops showing hope. “It is not impossible”he clarifies, aware that the criticism surrounding his team in recent months has been forceful and tense. It doesn’t stop there. The YouTuber has made his challenge a real proposal: he has already assured that, in the coming months, he will talk about KOI’s internal situation and show the team’s new squad. The reason is the call “Phoenix project”. The goal, next season. The dream, the world cup.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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