Ibero-American entrepreneurs bet on growth opportunities in the region

CARTAGENA DE INDIAS, COLOMBIA.- This Monday in the Colombian city of Cartagena de Indias, within the framework of the VII Ibero-American Congress of Ceapi (Alliance for Ibero-America Business Council), businessman Jaime Gilinski Bacal, president of the event, highlighted the importance of continuing to believe in the importance of business productivity despite the difficulties posed by the ups and downs in the rules of the game in some countries. Latin America.

Gilinsky, owner of one of the largest business conglomerates in Colombia, highlighted the fact that Grupo Nutresa, his most recent acquisition, for the first time will eliminate the dividend policy, in order to reinvest, which is, in his opinion, a sign of confidence in the country.

Although Colombia is not growing at the same pace as previous years, Gilinski indicated that “it is the duty of businessmen to seek innovations and opportunities to continue on the path of GDP growth.”

“We are going to continue investing. I invite all the businessmen who are here, both local and from abroad, to take that same attitude that I believe is what will generate, every day, a better country, with more opportunities for people who are in universities and the people who are in their professional places,” he said.

“At the moment we are looking at different sectors, I cannot comment on exactly what we are investing in, but I believe that the only way for countries to grow is with investment. And we in the State have that responsibility and from that investment, what I have left is a business. So, I think we are constantly looking. This is what we have done over the last few years,” said the businessman.

Gilinski is known in Colombia for having carried out the most important business moves in recent times in the stock market that allowed him to retain control of Nutresa, the largest business group in the country’s food sector with a presence in territories in Latin America and the world. .

The businessman’s statements were made during the opening of the VII Ibero-American Ceapi Congress, where nearly 300 business leaders from Ibero-America participate and meet until this Wednesday, June 19, in the largest business meeting that brings together the main institutional leaders and company presidents.

On this occasion, Colombia was chosen as the venue for the event, which seeks to show the potential that the country has to attract investments, get involved in projects and consolidate its expansion in other territories.

Núria Vilanova Giralt, president of Ceapi, indicated that “we always have to think about growing, because if we do not get an agreement from all the businessmen who accompany us today, from businessmen and governments, we will not be able to create a level of growth to reach to our populations. Ibero-America needs to grow enough so that this growth reaches the most disadvantaged layers, there are no successful companies in a failed country, and there is no successful country with failing companies,” she said.

In turn, Santiago Peñaranda, commercial vice president of Coltefinanciera, shared the experiences of that commercial financing company that continues to consolidate in the Colombian market, supporting small and medium-sized industries and growing at a sustained rate over the years.

The executive highlighted that Colombia is a country of entrepreneurs and is considered a sea of ​​opportunities, which is why the company seeks to expand its range of clients, with great optimism in the economic future.

The VII Congress of Ceapi continues this Tuesday and Wednesday with keynote presentations by Jaime Gilinski, president of the Congress and the Gilinski Group; Núria Vilanova, president Ceapi, Spain; Ómar González Pardo, president of the Colombian Council Ceapi and the Trinity Colombia Group, among others.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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