Texas-based developer Id Software is primarily known for graphically heavy action games such as Wolfenstein, Doom and Quake – none of which are known to revolve around Ford. However, they have also made Rage, which is more or less built with vehicles as an integral part of its gameplay.

While it is not known what the studio is currently working on, many seem to believe that there will be some sort of sequel to Doom Eternal (which launched in 2020). While this is still a possibility, a new job posting makes us think it’s more likely that the studio is returning to the Rage franchise – or perhaps doing something completely new.

More specifically looking for Id Software currently one Senior Weapon/Prop Artist which will help them put one “visual bar for industry leading Weapons, VehiclesProps”. Exactly how big of a role these vehicles will play in Id Software’s next title is of course unknown, but since they’re apparently going to be “industry leading,” we think it’ll probably be somewhat prominent, or what do you say?

Image from Rage 2


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