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Igor Basurko (Big Brother 14) could go to jail again for fraud

Igor Basurko (Big Brother 14) could go to jail again for fraud

More causes for Igor Basurkothe controversial contestant of the fourteenth edition of Big Brother what he was already in jail. The Basque will have to sit again this month on the dock of the accused at the Gipuzkoa Court for allegedly selling in a second-hand store a vehicle for the disabled that he had supposedly taken over with a second person involved.

Basurko faces a request for four years in prison and the payment of a fine of 1,620 eurosaccused of a crime of aggravated fraud in medial competition with another of theft by the Public Ministry, which requests two and a half years for the second man prosecuted in this same case.

According to the provisional accusation document of the Prosecutor’s Office, to which EFE has had access, The events date back to August 8, 2022, when both accused, in agreement and guided by the goal of obtaining an illicit financial benefit, went to the home in San Sebastián where the second man lived with his former romantic partner. Once there, since the woman was on vacation outside the home, she allegedly They seized a motorcycle adapted for the disabled, valued at 650 euros.

Shortly after, the two defendants They went to a second-hand goods sales establishment, where they sold the vehicle for 281.23 euros., hiding its illicit origin. Days later, on September 1, Ertzaintza agents seized the motorcycle in the aforementioned business and returned it to its legitimate owner who, having recovered it, does not request any compensation for these events.

Nevertheless, The allegedly defrauded establishment demands the exercise of civil actions that legally correspond to it. to be compensated for the economic damage suffered, which amounts to 281.23 euros plus the corresponding legal interest.

More final convictions

It so happens that Basurko, who was firmly convicted on four other occasions for as many scams by two courts in Madrid and another in San Sebastin, was acquitted last March by the Court of Gipuzkoa of another case of fraud, in the fact that The Prosecutor’s Office had even requested five years in prison for him for the alleged theft of a woman’s card that would have been used to place bets..

In fact, the former contestant of reality from Telecinco now He was in prison for a year and a half serving a sentence for three crimes that, according to him, he committed while in a state of derangement that was caused by his addiction to gambling and bad company..

In the past I made mistakes and didn’t hang out with the right people, he said in an interview with The Spanish. I had a problem in my life, a gambling problem, I controlled it as best I could, but like every addict, there was a time, which was a period of 10 or 15 days, in which I was very overwhelmed by debt and acted badly. I regret. I have paid for it morally, physically and criminally.

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