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Illa, to the limit: the result of the Catalan elections can change today

Illa, to the limit: the result of the Catalan elections can change today

He left tripartiteThat is, the sum of PSC (42), ERC (20) and Comunes (6), adds up to 68 deputies. The necessary to invest as the new president of the Generalitat the winner of the elections in Catalonia, Salvador Illa. Mr. Sánchez governs in a minorityI blurted out Puigdemont on the agreement in the national Executive.

The former Minister of Health and PSC candidate aspires to be sworn in as president within a month, as a result of his status as winner of the elections last Sunday, May 12. However, Carles Puigdemont does not give up y He is also working to convince the independence bloc to attend the investiture. A blockade threatens a possible electoral repeat which, if it occurs and with the dates set for the formation of the new plenary session, would take place in the month of October.

The image may still vary and this left-wing majority in Parliament may not even occur. The reason, the CERA vote count. Of the Catalans residing abroadapproximately 300,000, only 24,233 have votedwhich means a 8,23% of the total. The final count of the foreign vote will be known this Friday. These had until May 7 to vote by mail, and/or until the 9th to vote in Spanish consulates and/or embassies.

Lleida and Tarragona, the most disputed territories

Barcelona was the province in which the PSC obtained a superior result compared to the rest of the political formations. Similarly, Junts was the leader in votes in Girona. In addition, Lleida and Tarragona are presumed to be the provinces where the results are still being discussed..

The results of May 12 gave Junts leadership in the province of Ilerda with five seats, four for the PSC. The The socialists, for their part, were the first force in the Tarragona province with six seats, only one ahead of the formation led by Carles Puigdemont. In Lleida, Junts would need at least 762 more votes to snatch a seat from the PSC. In Tarragonawho could snatch a seat from the PSC is the CUP. He could take a seat from the socialists with 569 votes.

The last precedent, from 2021, smiles at Junts

To check the result of the CERA vote in the last elections, you have to look back four years. The PSC was the winner of those elections, tying with 33 seats with ERC. However, in the CERA vote, Junts was the most voted in 2021.

Los Four years ago, ex-convergents achieved 2,731 votes, compared to 1,939 for the PSC. ERC, at that time, was the third most voted force in the foreign vote with 1,922 votes. It will not change the final result in terms of winners, but it will in terms of pacts, since one less seat would leave Salvador Illa without the possibility of being sworn in as president.

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