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“I’m constantly being addressed”: Sarah Knappik is ashamed of her neck

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Sarah Knappig takes her fans to the beauty specialist. © Instagram/Sarah Knappig

Since pregnancy, Sarah Knappik has felt uncomfortable in her body and, above all, has difficulties accepting her chin and neck area.

Bochum – In April 2021, Sarah Knappik (36) became the proud mother of Baby Marly – her first offspring and the blonde couldn’t be happier. And yet, despite the happiness of being a mother, something has bothered the reality star since pregnancy: “There is something that makes me really sad”. The former GNTM model revealed in Picture Liveto feel uncomfortable in his body ever since.

“It all just looks so bad since the pregnancy,” the young mother continues, “I don’t feel comfortable with it at all.” We’re talking about Sarah’s chin and neck – the parts of the body that the “jungle camp” expert is ashamed of. And if it’s not enough that the blonde feels uncomfortable with it herself, Knappik often has to ask questions about her environment. “I’m constantly asked if I have problems with my throat or with my thyroid,” the 36-year-old explains her ugly situation.

The fact that the TV face is currently not completely satisfied with its appearance can also be guessed by looking at the 36-year-old’s Instagram feed, because there you can hardly find a photo of the blonde that has not been heavily edited. Only recently, fans hardly recognized the reality star on a birthday snapshot because Knappik was a little too generous with the filter.

Sarah Knappik: “There is still the desire to be attractive”

This should now be over – Sarah Knappik has now undergone an operation that is supposed to declare war on the problem area, because despite her new role as a mother, which has changed the priorities in her life, Knappik still has the desire to be attractive to be. Picture Live accompanied the entertainer to her appointment with the Beauty Doc in Bochum, who was to carry out the Hollywood treatment on the young woman. The procedure, called Thermage treatment, is intended to help the 36-year-old to tighten his chin and neck and thus to regain more self-confidence.

Although the treatment only develops its full effectiveness over the next two months, Sarah is already over the moon after the procedure. When the blonde looks at herself in the mirror, a first change can already be seen. Sarah also shares her Beauty Doc experience with her followers via Instagram and is already looking forward to the end result in two months.

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