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Imaginarius starts on the 25th and presents shows inspired by ‘Dream’

OBudgeted at 495,000 euros, the event will present 130 hours of free content until May 28th.

Speaking to Lusa, the councilor for Culture in that municipality in the district of Aveiro, Gil Ferreira, says: “The choice of theme could not be more assertive, in a year full of challenges and profound social changes worldwide. dream and wait for dreams to come true”.

For Gil Ferreira, the festival will thus take different manifestations of human creativity to various spaces in the historic center of the city, which will constitute an opportunity for the public to “develop critical capacity, aesthetic taste and a new appreciation for the most diverse forms of cultural expression”.

One of the main productions of the main program will be “Aigua”, a show of “visual poetry” which, materialized 10 meters high, on a cable extended over Praça Gaspar Moreira, combines aerial dance and acrobatics in a “metaphor of the passage of the human being for the planet”. The performance is by the Catalan company Xa Teatre and Gil Ferreira describes it as “a subtle work” about care and preservation”.

Another proposal that generates expectations is “Bulle à Bulle”, which results from an artistic residency that the Spanish collective Enlaire did at the Fair and which will be on stage at the Cineteatro António Lamoso, also with free admission, but implying prior ticket reservation. Water, soap, music and comic theater are the main elements of the show which, bringing together the mime Pep Bou and the artist Martín Cattani, reflects “40 years of experimentation with the world of Physics and Chemistry”.

In large format, for the night crowd already used to shows with cranes on the threshing floor of Orfeão, “Cristal Palace”, by the French company Transe Express, is planned. “A monumental chandelier, specially designed for the street, will transform the public space into a suspended ballroom, with a dance floor, bar, orchestra and acrobats”, reveals Gil Ferreira.

On the ground, but in pink suits well inflated with air, the so-called “gonfles” (translatable as swellings or “inflated”) from the itinerant performance “La Grande Phrase”, by the Didier Théron Company, will be exhibited. The synopsis of this French creation says that these figures with wide hips, reminiscent of Venus de Willendorf, can intervene in “shops, cars, balconies and cafes”, so it warns: “They do not respect public or private space, nothing is forbidden to them and we gladly accept this interruption in our daily life, leaving it much lighter and happier”.

Also itinerant is the parade “World of Wonder/Mundo da Maravilha”, with which the Italian Associazione Teatro Per Caso takes its artists through several streets of the city on stilts, animating them with illuminated birds with mechanical white wings.

In the same spirit, although with greater chromatic diversity, Orquestra Al-Fanfare, from the Algarve, will parade through the historic center of the Fair “the sound and rhythm of the Balkans”, with incursions into other musical domains such as Dixieland and Latin chords.

In addition to the main programme, Imaginarius 2023 also includes a poster aimed at children, with proposals from the Portuguese company Nau dos Sonhos, the Italian company Woow and the Spanish companies Enlaire, Jam and La Trócola Circ.

There are five specific commissions from the festival to Portuguese creators: “Roda Viva”, by Inês de Carvalho in partnership with the Belgian collective Tu Parles Trop; “Ponto de Partida”, by the National Institute of Circus Arts; “Pescadores da Lua”, by the company Seistopeia; “Kefalé”, by Teatro em Caixa; and “Sons do Fijô”, which brings together the four philharmonic bands of Santa Maria da Feira (from Vale, Lobão, Arrifana and Souto). These own creations are also joined by “Perspetive’s Gravity”, by the Slovenian artist Danijela.

The event also includes the item “Mais Imaginarius”, dedicated to promoting emerging artists from around the world. Candidates are selected by a special jury and receive support from the organization in terms of travel and accommodation, but act without remuneration, leaving the public to vote for the best of the 18 invited artists and thus giving them the opportunity to develop their own creation for the edition of 2024.

The festival also includes ‘pitching’ sessions for professionals and students from the arts sectors, as well as a route through “Sabores Imaginarius”, to which five restaurants have associated themselves with menus that, based on seasonal endogenous products, “reveal author gastronomy”. with special creativity”.

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