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In all friendship: Shared apartment? Kathrin pushes Roland in the head

“Shit, I forgot my handbag with you,” Kathrin stated in horror on the way to the Sachsenklinik. “It’s all in there. Keys, mobile phone, money…” Roland would like to lend her something, but his wallet is still in Kathrin’s apartment. “Do we both have to borrow something today,” concludes Kathrin. “Or opt for an apartment,” says Roland. At least that would be practical. Kathrin’s answer is rather sparse. “Convenient maybe, but just giving up my freedom like that. Mmmh, wait a minute. No.”

There is no time to sulk, then there are a lot of patients waiting in the hospital who need your full attention. i.a. Jasmin’s father Malik Hatem is admitted with a ruptured pancreas. Miriam notices that since the death of her mother, the young colleague has been taking care of her family’s household and her younger brothers alone – and is being crushed in the process.

And then there’s Kathrin Globisch’s pain patient, Tamara Pächter, who not only takes an interest in physiotherapist Darren Macneil, but also suffers from inexplicable mood swings. Episode 1006, “My truth, your truth,” shows what’s behind it.

“In all friendship” is always on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. in the first. Each episode is online first for seven days and on the air for three months after airing ARD media library accessible.

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